The Ultimate Guide: How to Find the Perfect Buyer Intent Keywords

The Ultimate Guide: How to Find the Perfect Buyer Intent Keywords

Here’s a crucial fact for your business that you won’t be able to ignore: over 50% of shoppers use Google to know more about the product and its feedback before buying. So how can you unlock the hearts – and wallets – of those customers who are constantly thinking with Google? Enter the secret passcode: buyer intent keywords.

In this digital world, your brand’s success is defined by the keywords you target. Jeff Bezos once said, ‘Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.’ And to build that kind of presence, you first have to have the audience find your brand and buy your product. That’s where buyer intent keywords come in to act like signposts & milestones to guide them towards you.

This ultimate guide will tell you what buyer intent keywords are and how you can find them in our highly competitive digital marketplace to revolutionize your sales and engagements. Let’s get started.

What is Buyer Intent and Why is it Crucial for Your Business?

To help you understand in the simplest of words, buyer intent is the “why” behind searches and clicks of your audience. It represents the level of desire or curiosity of the buyer towards any product. Buyer intent is what differentiates between someone who’s merely browsing and another who’s ready to buy something.

This understanding of the user intent gives you a crystal ball that can show you what your potential customers are actively thinking and gives you a path towards those who are not only interested but looking to buy your product.

Why is Buyer Intent Crucial?

Here’s why buyer intent is absolutely crucial for your online business:

Directs Your Strategy & Increases Conversions

When you focus on buyer intent and then target high intent keywords in your marketing efforts and content calender, your marketing efforts will become more targeted instead of generic. This will help you improve your efficiency and conversion rates in the longer run.

Optimizes Spending & Increases ROI

Losing money pointlessly without results is the last thing you’d want in your marketing efforts. With the right buyer intent, you can maximize your ROI because every dollar you’ll spend is used to attract a highly interested audience.

Improves Customer Experience

When you create content according to your buyer intent, the potential customers will be able to find the information or products they search for. This increases their chances of interaction with your brand.

What is Buyer Intent

How Can High Buyer Intent Keywords Transform Your Sales Strategy?

Imagine you are in the mood for prawn soup or fried prawns and you go fishing to catch some. How would you feel if you kept catching sunfish or eels instead? Frustrated, right? Maybe you are not using the right kind of nets.

Now take this analogy to the the online world. High intent keywords are the perfect nets that will help you catch only prawns. They will help your marketing efforts become much more effective because they help you speak directly to those who want to buy and increase your close rate from 1.7% to 14.6%.

So notice how effective they can be to transform your sales strategy.

Understanding Buyer Intent – What are Buyer Intent Keywords?

To explain the concept of buyer intent, we have to know about the language of conversion: the buyer intent keywords like ‘discount’, ‘review’ and ‘best’ etc. These words are usually used by combining them with supporting words/product or brand names/dates, for example ‘Puma shoes review’, ‘best phone in 2024’ etc.

Don’t think of them as simple words, they are specific phrases instead that different types of buyers and searchers may use when they are close to buying something. They show that the buyers are interested in buying the products and not just review or know more about them, hence highlighting their buying intent.

So when you use these keywords in your content strategy, social media posts, SEO and ad campaigns, you’ll attract those consumers directly towards your products.

What Are The Types of Buyer Intent Keywords?

On the most basic level, there are four types of buyer intent keywords that can explain the purposes of search in a buyer’s purchase journey.

1.    Transactional Keywords

These are the clear-cut “I want to buy” phrases and keywords that people use, such as “buy,” “discount,” “deal” or “coupon.”

2.    Commercial Investigation Keywords

Buyers usually use them when the intent behind them is to compare options, look for the best solution or decide between products. They include phrases and words such as “best,” “review” or “top.”

3.    Navigational Keywords

They may not point towards an immediate purchase but show that a user is willing to know more about a specific brand or product. They include exact terms/brand or product names like “Nike running shoes” or “MacBook Air price” etc.

4.    Informational Keywords

These words show that the people are looking for some information on the topic/product/service etc, like “what”, “how”, “guide” etc. Based on them, we can safely assume that they may be interested in buying that product or service at a later time.

What Are The Types of Buyer Intent Keywords

Why Should You Target Buyer Intent Keywords?

Why should I care about buyer intent keywords?” You might convince yourself that you are doing absolutely ok otherwise. But by not using those keywords, you are not fulfilling the basic aim of your marketing which is to know and understand the customer so well that your product or service fits them and sells itself, as Peter Drucker has highlighted.

Here’s why you should use as many types of buyer keywords as possible in your marketing efforts:

1.    Targeted Keywords Increase Your Conversion Rates

When you use keywords with buyer intent like “buy now,” “discounts” or “free shipping” in your SEO content and ads, you basically put up a sign for your audience that says, “Right this way for your needs” and guides them towards your product or service.

This approach also helps you to filter out those who are not looking for you and targets only those who are looking for what you offer. This is supported by the study from Forrester that customized landing pages – which often include those targeted keywords related to buyers – can increase your conversion rates by over 200%.

2.    High-Intent Keywords Are Crucial For Long Term Sales Growth

Sales are not about more visitors, they are about the right visitors. High intent buyer keywords in your content and digital brand strategy will specifically target those who aren’t just browsing but looking for a solution that you might be able to offer.

Here’s an example to help you understand: Consider the difference between “how to fix a leaky faucet” and “professional plumber services.” The second phrase, in this example, is a high intent keyword that speaks to an audience that may have already tried the DIY route and now wants to hire a professional. This is what will guide that audience to you if you offer those services and also use that keyword in your marketing efforts.

3.    Intent Keywords Help Maximize ROI

Your investment in keywords is part of your marketing budget. And like any investment, you want the highest possible return, right? Keywords, especially the commercial intent keywords, are your answer here.

Google says that at least 50% of the consumers visited a store within a day after conducting a local search and 88% did within a week. See how important it is to target the local and commercial keywords for businesses?

These keywords usually have a purchase-ready intent and can include words like “best price on,” “cheapest” or “coupon code for” and try to convince your customer to purchase as soon as possible before that offer runs out.

Why Should You Target Buyer Intent Keywords

How to Find High Converting Buyer Intent Keywords

Leonardo da Vinci once said “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” This is what should become the starting point when you begin your search for the most effective keywords that drive sales. Let’s uncover the best strategies to help you find out the best buyer intent keywords to capture the attention (and wallets, of course) of your ready-to-buy customers.

Use Keyword Research Tools To Know The Purchase Intent

The very first thing that you should have by your side is the keyword research tools and a strategic approach. Tools such as SEMrush, Ahrefs and Moz offer you some in-depth keyword analytics and details to help you know about their search volume, competition level and keyword difficulty etc.

How to use the keyword research tools effectively:

  • Start with Seed Keywords: Find keywords with broad terms that may be related to your products or services directly. Once you do, narrow down to more specific phrases showing intent like “buy ABC,” “MNO deal” or “XYZ review.”
  • Analyze Search Volume: High search volume should not always be your goal. What if your competitors are good enough to not let you rank higher than them easily? So sometimes, lower volume keywords with less competition but clear buyer intent can become much more valuable to you.
  • Look for Long Tail Keywords: Focus on long tail keywords (with 3 or more words) in your marketing. These keywords have longer, more specific phrases and often have lower search volumes because they are very specific. On the upside, they also show a higher intent to purchase. According to Backlinko, long tail keywords have a 3-5% higher click-through rate than any generic ones.
  • Perform a Competitive Analysis: Use the same tools to evaluate your competitors and see which keywords they have used to drive traffic to their own sites. Spot the gaps in their keyword usage. Perhaps they may be missing or not focusing on some good keywords. Once you have noted the most effective keywords they haven’t used, start using them in your own content.

Use Google Ads To Identify High Intent Keywords

You may have thought about Google Ads as just a platform to run a paid ad, right? Well it’s much more than that. The metrics of the keywords you have used in your PPC campaigns will give you an idea about the buyer behaviors so you can clearly understand which buyer keywords work and which don’t.

And if you use the keyword ideas effectively, you could increase your brand awareness by up to 80%.

How to use Google Ads data for insights:

  • Use the Search Terms Report: This report will enlist for you the actual queries that showed your ads in the SERPs. With this information, you can highlight the phrases that led to clicks and conversions and use them more often in your targeted campaigns.
  • Experiment with Match Types: Test different variations of your keywords as matching options. This will reveal which exact words drive the most traffic and can effectively capture high intent traffic.

Use Search Queries to Understand the Buyer Intent

The search queries that lead your audience to your site play a crucial part in the success of your online business. So analyze them to know about the specific words and phrases that show the intent of your buyers to buy.

How to use search queries to know the buyer intent:

  • Review Google Analytics: Check and evaluate your Search Console reports and highlight the queries that bring users to your site. Incorporate those phrases in your marketing techniques more.
  • Identify Patterns: Are there any patterns that are recurrent and are repeated? What are the phrases or words you have used in those queries? Take note of the ones that show a buying intent and use them to make your ads and content more effective.
How to Find High Converting Buyer Intent Keywords

Pro Tips: Advanced Techniques To Identify & Optimize Buyer Intent Keywords

Steve Jobs had once said “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” So here are some more innovative tips and techniques, that you may not have read before, to add to your business plan and make your marketing and sales a pure innovation.

Semantic search means that you use keywords with the same intent and understanding as that of the seed keywords when you search something on Google. With related keywords and knowledge from semantic search, you will be able to attract a much broader audience than you had initially intended to with your marketing efforts.

Why semantic search matters? Because Google itself says that synonyms, and not the actual words, are a part of almost 70% of the searches.

How to apply semantic search:

  • Use LSI Keywords: Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords are the terms that are related to your main keywords. For example, a keyword like “organic coffee beans” will have LSI keywords as “natural coffee beans,” “best organic coffee” “organic coffee shop.” When you use them in your content, the search engines will be able to understand your context better.
  • Answer Related Questions: Try to create content that directly answers the questions related to your primary keywords. Let’s take the same keyword “organic coffee beans.” Its related questions may be like “What are the benefits of organic coffee?” or “How to brew organic coffee beans?” Websites and tools like AnswerThePublic can give you proper insights and common questions that people usually ask on Google.

Find Intent Keywords in Social Media and Forums

This is probably the best way to know what your audience thinks about the product or service you wanna sell. Social media and public forums are where the people openly discuss their needs and preferences without any limitations. So the conversations happening there are the best sources to know the intent-driven keywords and then add them to your content and its style guide as well.

How to explore social media channels & public forums:

  • Observe Relevant Trends on Social Media: Use tools like Brand24 or BuzzSumo to track hashtags that are related to your industry or products. Brand24 is an AI tool that keeps a tag on social media trends and provides you in-depth social media analytics. BuzzSumo is a similar tool that tells you about the trending content topics and issues.
  • Explore The Public Forums: Communities like Reddit or Quora are another treasure source if you want to know the public opinions without any misinformation or falsehood. Your potential customers may ask questions or look for recommendations related to your products or services.
Advanced Techniques To Identify Buyer Intent Keywords

Buyer Intent Keywords List – Top 50 Keywords With Buyer Intent

Now that you all about the buyer intent, let’s give your marketing and content strategy a huge boost with a very effective and tested examples and list of keywords with buying intent with a very customer-centric approach.

  1. Buy ___ online
  2. Best deals on ___
  3. Discount ___
  4. Purchase ___
  5. Order ___ cheap
  6. Affordable ___ for sale
  7. Promo code for ___
  8. Sale on ___
  9. Where to buy ___
  10. Price comparison ___
  11. Latest ___ model price
  12. Buy 4K ___
  13. Best deals on ___
  14. Pre-order ___
  15. ___ subscription discount
  16. Cheap ___ for sale
  17. Budget ___ 2024
  18. ___ review
  19. Top 10 ___
  20. Compare ___ prices
  21. ___ near me
  22. ___ services cost
  23. Hire ___ services
  24. Book ___ appointment
  25. ___ package deals
  1. _ subscription promo
  2. Free trial _
  3. _ discount codes
  4. How to install _
  5. _ solutions for small business
  6. Professional _ for hire
  7. _ repair services
  8. Best _ for beginners
  9. _ for small spaces
  10. _ membership benefits
  11. How much does _ cost
  12. Is _ worth it
  13. _ alternatives
  14. _ warranty extension
  15. Handmade _
  16. Vintage _ for sale
  17. Second-hand _ near me
  18. _ tutorial for beginners
  19. How to use _ effectively
  20. Tips for choosing _
  21. _ maintenance guide
  22. Best time to buy _
  23. How to get a discount on _
  24. _ clearance sale
  25. Last-minute deals on __

FAQs on Buyer Intent Keywords

Q: What is an example of keyword intent?

Keyword intent is basically the purpose, the reason for a person to perform a search. Let’s give you an example. “How to fix a leaky faucet” shows an informational intent and suggests that the user perhaps wants guidance rather than a product.

On the other hand, when they’ll search for “buy faucet replacement parts,” it’ll be a clear transactional intent that shows that they may be willing to buy.

Q: What are buying keywords?

Buying keywords are phrases that your audience uses with an intention to buy. Buying keywords have terms like “buy,” “discount,” “deal” or specific product names together with “price” or “review” etc.

Q: How do you identify buyer intent?

One thing you have to know is that buyer intent is NEVER obvious. To identify the buyer intent, you’ll have to understand the language and the context of search. There’s no sure-short way to know otherwise. Here’s what we’ve seen the high-intent keywords to usually include:

  • Product-specific names and models.
  • Action verbs like “purchase,” “subscribe” or “order.”

Q: How do I find buyer intent keywords?

You can find the buyer intent keywords with SEO tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs or Google Keyword Planner. Use broader and market-related terms first and then narrow them down to specific queries for commercial or transactional intent.

Q: What is an example of buyer intent?

An example of buyer intent is in the keyword “2024 SUV models comparison.” This keyword shows that the user is not just interested in SUVs but is also concerned about their features comparison. This could lead to them buying their preferred vehicle soon.

Q: What is the difference between high intent and low intent keywords?

High intent keywords usually show that your customer may be ready to take action (buy your product or sign up for your service). Here are a few examples: “buy iPhone 15” or “free trial accounting software.”

Low-intent keywords, on the other hand, show that your user may only be looking for more information or general knowledge such as “iPhone 15 features” or “what is accounting software?

Q: What is an example of a purchase intent?

Let’s give you a classic example of purchase intent with the keyword “best price for wireless headphones.” This keyword shows us that the user has probably already researched about the product he wants and is looking for the best deal. At this time, he is close to the point where he can buy that product.

Q: What is a keyword in selling?

In selling, a keyword is a term that your potential buyers may use when they search for products or services to buy.

Q: What are buying intent keywords examples?

Here are a few examples of buying intent keywords:

  • Discount codes for yoga mats.”
  • Lease deals near me for SUV.”
  • Sign up for online baking classes.”
  • Compare prices for home insurance.”


Buyer intent keywords are the best technique to find your way to your audience’s hearts (and wallets, mind you) and guide them to your product and service. In this article, we have gone through the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of keywords with buyer intent and also highlighted their value and significance to make your marketing strategy a hit instead of a miss.

With such keywords, you won’t just improve your brand awareness but also get attached to your customers on a very personal level with a bond that will ultimately build your brand loyalty. So in this competitive digital marketing world, it is what will transform the people casually browsing through your products your buyers and questions into conversions in the longer run.

Start using these keywords in your strategies today and understand that the online success of your business does not lie in the quantity of traffic but in conversions and connections you’ll create with your audience.

4 Problems With Backlinks and How You Can Solve Them

4 Problems With Backlinks and How You Can Solve Them

4 Problems With Backlinks and How You Can Solve Them

Broken links on website

When SEO is brought up in conversation, it usually goes straight to keywords. What doesn’t get enough attention is backlinks. No backlinks, issues with do-follow backlinks, and backlinks that are just broken are all issues that can sink a site. 

Problems with backlinks aren’t permanent but they do take a bit of work, and sometimes luck from the SERP gods, to solve. Let’s start by looking at 4 common problems that website owners face when dealing with backlinks.

1. Broken backlinks 

A broken backlink is an incoming link that leads to an “error 404” page on the target website. This is a problem because people don’t like clicking on a link and seeing an error. They want to find what they’re looking for and move on. 

Broken backlinks indirectly harm your SEO and can affect your bounce rate, and conversions, and make your site feel abandoned. Think of it this way, would you want to go to a business that had a bunch of empty rooms or broken windows? No, you would pass it up and go somewhere else.

How do broken backlinks happen?

It’s just one of those things that just happens. Think of it as the maintenance needed to keep a site healthy—you’re going to have to check on a regular basis if you have any broken links in general, not just broken backlinks.


Broken backlinks are simple to fix but can get really tedious, depending on the size and age of your website. If it’s a new site, then you could probably fix this on your own by using a broken backlink checker extension on Google Chrome. If you have a sizable site, then you might need something like a SaaS to help you out.

After you find the broken backlinks, then you have to put in some leg work: 

  • Your first option is to reach out to the hosting site to change the link.
  • Second, you can set up 301-redirects to other pages on your site
  • Third, you can just replace or recreate the content
  • Finally, you can make a hard 404 page

2. do follow backlinks

Link juice is the stuff that propels a site to the first page on a SERP. A do-follow backlink tells Google how to rank your site. This makes them extremely valuable and important to track.

So, what are the issues that revolve around them if they’re so great? Well, getting them in the first place is one, and getting poor-quality do-follow backlinks is another.

do follow backlinks

How harmful are poor-quality backlinks?

Imagine having someone with the worst reputation possible, introduce you to a crowd of people. How do you think that those people, who don’t know you, are going to think about you? Probably not good.

This is how poor-quality backlinks affect your site. It takes a huge chunk out of your SEO and PageRank on Google. You have to identify these poor-quality backlinks and handle them as soon as you find them.

Can you influence high-quality do-follow backlinks?

Yes, to a certain extent. The quality of your content is going to determine if a high-quality site is going to link back to you. While quality is subjective, and not a guarantee to get backlinks, it’s still something that you can control. 


The solution to getting high-quality backlinks is pretty straightforward. You have to create great content, network with high authority sites, guest post on those sites, and kind of hope that you get lucky. The more of these activities that you do, the better the odds are that a high-quality site will link back to you.

Poor quality backlinks are another issue. Google doesn’t penalize you for having spammy backlinks anymore but that doesn’t mean that you ignore them. Identify the bad backlinks with a tool, or SaaS option, find out where they are coming from, request removal from those sites, and create and submit a disavow file to Google.

3. No backlinks

It’s debatable if having no backlinks is worse than having poor-quality backlinks. This is a huge issue because your site isn’t getting any kind of attention. Now, this is typically an issue for brand-new sites with little to no content. The solution should be a bit obvious.


You have to start producing content, mid-tier quality is fine, and get something up on your site. You need to give high-quality sites something to actually link to, that means content. Now, once you get some content posted what else can you do?

Take a look back at the tips for getting high-quality backlinks. Guest post, network, and just keep up with it until you start seeing backlinks for your site. Again, make sure that you’re using a tool, like a SaaS, to track the backlinks leading to your site.

4. Over Optimized backlinks

Problems with backlinks aren’t limited to something bad, sometimes doing the right thing too often is the problem. Now, what does an over-optimized backlink look like? Well, it’s a collection of backlinks that all anchor to the same set of keywords. 

Think of keyword spamming, link spamming, and other black hat SEO tactics. A backlink profile is supposed to be natural. Some things, like websites all linking to the same keyword, send a warning sign to search engines.\

how to identify and remove toxic backlinks


You need a diverse set of backlinks coming from a number of different websites. This can be a bit difficult since your influence on backlinks is limited, but there are some things that you can do. 

You can start by using a tool, or SaaS option, to identify problematic backlinks. Then you identify which websites are linking to your site and reach out to them to change which keywords they’re linking to. You can also try creating a disavow file and sending it to Google.


Fixing problems with backlinks is simple but it does require a bit of work. You don’t have a lot of control over what website is going to link to your site. This takes a lot of control out of your hands.

Using a SaaS-based tool is going to be your best bet when looking at how to solve issues with backlinks. With a SaaS-based tool, you can track poor-quality backlinks and identify where they are coming from. A good SaaS tool will act like a one-stop shop for all your SEO and even content production/management needs.

Don’t let backlink issues keep your site from ranking number one on the SERP.

What are some common SEO mistakes

What are some common SEO mistakes

What are some common SEO mistakes


Are you new to SEO and worried about common SEO mistakes? Don’t worry; we got you. The SEO industry is constantly changing and evolving. As a result, there’s always new information to learn and new practices to adopt, and following SEO strategies is advised.

Common SEO mistakes

Anyone can make mistakes; novice or experienced SEO professionals. These common SEO mistakes can lead to poor rankings for your website or, even worse: a loss of traffic altogether. Below we’ll look at some of these common mistakes and offer solutions so you can avoid them next time!

Not making sure your website is crawlable.

Crawlability and indexing refer to the ability of search engines to read and understand the content on your website. If Google doesn’t know what you’re trying to say, there’s no way for it to add that information to its index. This can result in a poor ranking for relevant terms, making it much harder for users to look for those terms with their query string. Crawling issues plague many websites today—and they’re not just limited to small businesses; even large ones can still fall victim if they don’t take care of these issues!

Keyword stuffing.

Common SEO mistakes-contenterp

Keyword stuffing is when you place keywords where they don’t belong. This can be avoided by using an SEO checklist, which will help you identify areas of your website that aren’t optimized for search engines and fix them accordingly.

Keyword stuffing is terrible for SEO because it makes it more difficult for Google to find relevant content. Users may have trouble finding what they’re looking for on your site. If a user searches for something like “best WordPress plugins,” but no results are linking back to this page (or any other pages), then it’s likely that someone has keyword stuffed their way through the SERPs—and those poor users may end up leaving without finding what they were looking for!


Not optimizing your keywords.

Using a keyword that’s too broad—For example, “green tea health benefits.” You’re not going to rank well for this phrase because so many people are searching for it. Instead, use something more specific like “caffeine-free green tea detox drink recipe.”

Not targeting the right keywords—If you want people to find your website and read it, ensure you use keywords related to what they were looking for. If they were looking at something else first, don’t waste time optimizing a page specifically around those keywords! This is called “keyword stuffing,” where someone throws as many words into their content as possible until they hit targeted results (which isn’t helpful). The best way around this issue is using tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush’s Keyword Research tool, allowing users to create automated lists based on specific criteria including industry verticals and phrases.”

Inconsistent or duplicate content.

Duplicate content can noticeably impact your rankings and is one of the most common SEO mistakes. Duplicate content is not suitable for SEO. Search engines use duplicate content to identify and penalize websites showing up in their SERPs with the same content, regardless of whether it’s from the same source.

 Duplicate pages will hurt your site’s rankings and may even result in you being removed from Google search results!

Duplicate content is often caused by multiple versions of the same page published on your site. This could be because someone has created an advanced version of your website or because you’ve added new features that require more media files (like video).

Here are some common causes of duplicate content

  • Using an exact copy/paste from another source without any updates/changes made to that original source (copying something straight off an article without adding anything new), is also known as plagiarism. 
  • Copying large portions of text or images from another website

To avoid this problem: 

  • Create unique content for each page instead of duplicating existing material.
  • Use 301 redirects so that people who land on the old page will automatically be redirected to the new one when they visit again.

Forgetting about sitemaps 

For example, if you have a blog post that includes links to other articles on your site, you can use sitemaps and metadata to tell search engines what those other articles are about.

Sitemaps help search engines understand the structure of your website by including links to all of its pages (including internal links). This means that when someone searches on Google or Bing for information related to the topic of your web page, the site will appear in their results.

Ignoring search intent

Google favors sites whose content satisfies the search intent for a given query. Search intent refers to the ultimate motivation behind a user’s search. You have to figure out what a user wants to get when searching that query on Google. Is the searcher looking to buy something? Or are they trying to learn something?

If you fail to satisfy the searchers’ intent, you won’t be able to rank for very long.

Not optimizing for mobile

As reported by Google, more than half of online searches are done by mobile. For this reason, search engines prioritize responsive websites that can load just as well on mobile devices as on desktop computers.

Neglecting the mobile aspect of your site is a grave mistake that could have you penalized severely.

Not paying attention to 301 redirects.

301 redirects are an important part of your SEO strategy. They tell search engines where to send users moving from one page on a website to another, so they can find what they’re looking for more quickly. 

For example, if you have a blog post titled “SEO Mistakes” that links to a site: http://www.example-site/seo-mistakes/, then Google might send people directly to this URL: http://www.example-site/seo-mistakes/blog/.

If the link doesn’t include “blog,” then Google won’t know how to direct people back here later (and thus won’t count it as an optimized entry point). 

In other words, if there’s no explicit path for someone coming from outside of your website to get back inside again (aka “backlinks”), then Google cannot see any value in linking towards those pages—which means they’ll probably penalize them!

Slow Site Speed

Slow site speeds will kill your website. Users are unlikely to keep browsing a slow webpage even if the content provided is relevant. This will affect the bounce rate of your website. Search engines use bounce rates to tell whether a site is good, has good content, or if something is broken.

Non-Optimized Images

Images are key to a website’s SEO, but they can be challenging to optimize. The first step in optimizing your images for SEO is deciding what you want them to do. Do you want them to be high-quality and stand out from other pages on your website? Or do you want them to link back directly to the product page they came from so users can easily find it again later?

The second step of optimizing images for SEO involves taking care of some common issues that prevent search engines from seeing them properly:

  • File size: Keep an eye on how large each image is compared with other images on your site and adjust accordingly if necessary (e.g., reduce the file size by removing unnecessary metadata).
  • File type: Make sure all images are in GIF or PNG format instead of JPG because these formats will help get better indexed by Google!
  • Missing alt tags: ALT attributes provide search engines and visually impaired people with descriptions of the images in your content. Relevance is lost without them, and engagement can suffer.

Thin Content

Thin content is copy that’s not useful for the reader. It may include an image, a link to another page on your website, or any other piece of information that won’t provide value to your visitors.

This type of writing can be hard on search engines because it takes up space and doesn’t add much value to the user experience (UX). The best way to avoid this problem is by creating content that has relevant information to users. It is also crucial to learn the market you are catering to. Hence, there aren’t gaps between them where thin content might appear.

Broken Links

Broken links are bad for search engine rankings but can also miss the site owners, and search engine crawlers can also miss them. Users may also take notice of the broken link and report it to Google. This can lead to lower rankings in the SERPs and reduced organic traffic from Google Webmaster Tools (GWT).

Broken links can be detected by crawling websites regularly with web crawlers built into tools like Screaming Frog or Open Site Explorer (OSE). When these tools find broken links on your site, they will mark them with a red dot, so you know which pages have been affected by this issue.

Long URLs

Short URLs are easier to remember and use, making them an excellent option for SEO. They also make it easy for users to share your content on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. Shortening your links also reduces the amount of code in your site, which can help improve performance on mobile devices and search engine bots (which crawl through sites).


SEO mistakes can reduce the quality of your site and harm your SERP rankings. While embarking on this journey, it is important to know what to do, but more importantly, what not to do. Bad SEO practices have crippled many websites, don’t be one of them.

DO NOT take shortcuts. Instead, go over every SEO item carefully. If you are unable to do it yourself, consider hiring a professional. It will be a worthy investment.

Top 10 ways SEO copywriting increases traffic to your website

Top 10 ways SEO copywriting increases traffic to your website

Top 10 ways SEO copywriting increases traffic to your website

What is SEO copywriting?

SEO copywriting is the practice of producing keyword-optimized content that is designed to appeal to human users and search engine algorithms. It is writing search engine-friendly content that Google can understand and, most importantly, caters to users’ needs.

SEO copywriting, when done right, can boost traffic to your website.

 This means finding that balance between satisfying Google’s algorithm guidelines for SEO and providing content that users relate to.

Why is copywriting important?

Focusing on just SEO for your content will make it sound robotic. The Saturation of keywords may be annoying or distracting to users. On the flip side, content written purely for human reading does not focus on keywords. A lack of keywords in your content means that it won’t be displayed when users conduct a search.

Both of these scenarios are detrimental to the progress and ranking of your website. Content should be fine-tuned to the ever-changing search engine algorithms. By using SEO web copywriting tactics, search engines can categorize your content better, and visitors can relate to your content.

 A copywriter creates a variety of keyword-driven deliverables depending on a client’s needs. Although it is not required to have in-depth knowledge of SEO, it is paramount to know the basics:

  • Keyword research
  • Creating optimized and organized content 
  • Creating user-oriented content

10 ways that SEO copywriting helps in bringing traffic to your site

1. Keyword research

Keyword research and analytics are vital to creating articles with keyword phrases that generate high search volume globally. This information helps create content That is user-centered and search engine optimized. Search engines will rank Your content higher on SERPs And therefore generate more leads and traffic to your site.

SEO Keyword research
Keyword Research is an essential part of SEO copywriting that dramatically improves the quality of your content.

When conducting keyword research, also make sure the keyword phrases you choose have few competing websites also trying to rank for the same keywords. Determine the keyword effectiveness index (KEI)

Keyword effectiveness index is a  formula that helps compare the number of searches for the terms or words With the number of competitive pages. It pumps out which keywords have higher search with the lowest ranking competition, which can be most effective for your content strategy. Our article on keyword types goes into more detail about how to leverage the use of keywords.

2. Optimizing for evolving search modes

The way people search for information online keeps evolving. Nowadays, it is possible to search the internet using voice search and photos on Google. SEO copywriting optimization helps you understand how to Leverage AI technology like Google Assistant or Siri using these search methods.

Optimizing your web content to appear with this type of search increases your visibility leading to more traffic. A prime example of leveraging this type of search is creating content on FAQs.

3. Creating more Trust

 SEO copywriting is vital because it makes your website more trustworthy by providing information people are searching for. More people will visit your site by knowing what questions or search queries users have and Tailoring your content to meet their specific needs.

Quality content that is search engine optimized will Increase your ranking on search engine results pages and attract more organic traffic to your site. This could translate to higher click-through rates and building a solid customer base for your returning visitors. 

4. Competitor analysis 

An integral part of SEO and keyword research is analyzing what your competitor is ranking for. This information helps you inspect their analytic data, what they are succeeding in, and get insight on keyword gaps that could be potential sources of great content that will drive traffic to your site. SEO copywriting services can assist businesses in analyzing and learning from their competitors’ sites and developing effective tactics to outrank them. 

Competitor analysis 
Competitor analysis helps you visualize what your competitor is doing and how you can rank better.

Doing this research is crucial if you want to last in your niche market and attract the right audience.

5. Identify and leverage search Intent

Search intent describes the reason why a user is interacting with your content. Knowing where a customer is in their search journey helps a copywriter to correctly identify the type of information they need to put out that would attract the right customers. This strategic and calculated planning of content should be based on your customers’ bulk of the kind of content they are seeking, divided into three main pillars:

  • Informational
  • Transactional
  • Navigational

6. Writing relevant content

It doesn’t matter how optimized your site is Or user- friendly or content test if it is irrelevant. A lack of proper SEO copywriting is like treading blindfolded in murky waters. You might never make your way around. Copywriting helps writers grasp what content is relevant to users in their niche and ideal times for posting. This subtle yet crucial process is the difference between steadily increasing search traffic to your website and a steady decline or reduced interaction with your content. 

SEO tools such as Google Analytics Assist in researching relevant content.

SEO friendly content

7. Create easy-to-read content

Attracting organic traffic to your site is easy enough with a few basic SEO steps. Maintaining traffic, modeling revisits, and converting click-through rates is a bit more challenging. 

The easiest way to attract human traffic is to create content they identify with. This means creating content That is easy to read and understand and organized appealingly. 

Think of it this way: Would you rather spend your precious time trying to decipher content you can barely understand or read thought-provoking content that is digestible and easy to understand?

No one likes to read repetitive blocks of boring, seemingly unorganized text. SEO copywriting helps make unique, lively content that speaks to most users. This type of content is a magnet in attracting organic traffic to your website. 

8. Use visually appealing images

Speaking of visually appealing content,  adding images or visuals to your content goes a long way In improving the quality of your content. Images and illustrations break the monotonous text cycle and are easier to remember than just plain text. Visuals can also feature SEO information to leverage SERP  ranking under the image section.

 It is important to note that while using visuals for your content, high-quality images that load faster on the page are preferred over low-quality images or bulky images that reduce the overall speed of the webpage.

9. Backlinking

Search engines look at how many links are pointing to your articles. Backlinks can affect your ranking positively or negatively, so it’s important to be careful here. SEO copywriting helps build strong backlinks through high-quality content or sourcing from successful websites in the same niche.

SEO Backlinks
Source backlinks to drive more traffic to your website.

You might receive backlinks naturally if your SEO copy contains high-quality, valuable information for others. These backlinks are important because people are genuinely interested in your content, and they want to talk about it and share it with others. Besides improving ranking in search engine results pages, it also gets your content noticed by people visiting sites that contain your links.

10. Optimize titles and metadata

Titles and meta descriptions play a significant role in SEO,  influencing users to click on your links and driving more traffic to your website. Good SEO copywriting knowledge helps you identify the proper key phrases to include in your metadata. The content in metadata must be appealing to the viewer, providing enough provoking information to make them click on your link to view the full web content. Meta titles are short phrases that are accurate, while meta descriptions answer the user’s immediate query. 


Content is one of the backbones of SEO, and perfecting your copywriting skills will help steadily direct organic traffic to your website. By using copywriting tactics to create content, you’ll attract prospects to your site and satisfy search engine ranking guidelines, ranking you higher on results pages and potentially driving more traffic to your site. It is a cycle of a win-win situation; the only thing it requires from you is to put in your energy and effort. Keep experimenting with web copy tactics suitable for the web content you are working with; soon enough, you’ll be reaping results.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you won’t see a sudden increase in traffic to your site, but a steady increase with time and habitual use of SEO copywriting methods.