Create Content With ContentERP

Creating and managing your content with ContentERP is as easy as pie. With our intuitive and user-friendly interface, you can easily create new content and manage existing content.

What You Should Know Before Creating Content

Here are some important things you must understand before creating your first content in ContentERP:

  • Create different content: You can create different types of content, ranging from articles to graphics, video content, audio content, and infographics, among others.
  • Hosted on a site: Your content must be created on a site within your CERP dashboard. Thus, you must first create a site before creating a content. Learn how to create new sites here.
  • Specify Conditions: You must specify the conditions that must be met before the content can be marked as completed. This is often assigned automatically, depending on the conditions assigned to the site on which the content is being created.
  • Set a Title: You must specify your content title, regardless of the type of content you’re creating.
  • Link content to Google Docs: You can connect your content within CERP to a Google Docs file.
  • Assign different roles: Streamline the content creation process by assigning different component of the content to different roles.

How to Create Content with ContentERP

You can manage multiple content on ContentERP with ease by creating as many as possible and categorizing them into sites. To create new content with ContentERP, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Content Module: You can create and manage content on the content module. Navigate to the content module or tap “2” on your keyboard to directly take you to the content module.
  • Click the New Content Menu: Select the new content menu just beside the new site menu. This will take you to the content creation interface.
  • Input the Content Details: Enter the content details, such as the title of the content, main and alternative keywords, category, website link, deadline, and any other information required for the content you’re about to be created.
  • Set Content Requirements: These requirements will specify when to mark the content as completed, in progress, or needs to be further worked on. These requirements include certain actions that must be performed in the content creation process. Such as keyword research, graphics design, editing and proofreading, content upload, among others. You can also set a custom requirement depending on your needs.
  • Assign Roles to Employees: Having set the certain actions that you need perform on the content you’re creating, assign these tasks to employees on your team.
  • Save your content: Now that you’ve completed the steps above, go ahead and save the content.

Follow these simple steps above to create content with ContentERP. After creating the content, you can proceed with editing and modifying the content to completion.

Create Sites in ContentERP

Sites allow you to organize your content into niches, websites, and platforms the content will be published on. If you’re managing content on multiple websites, platforms, or employees, it is important to have an organized platform to know which content belongs to which site. With ContentERP sites, you can easily organize your content based on the website and employees.

Create a New Site in ContentERP

Creating a new site is easy and hassle-free. Follow these steps to create a new site on your account.

  • Login: First, login to your ContentERP account with your email and password generated during registration.
  • Go to Content Module: Navigate to the content modules on your dashboard. You can simply press 2 on your keyboard to navigate easily.
  • Click the “New Site” button: Click the new site button. This will display a pop-up screen where you can edit and input the content details.
Create New Site in ContentERP
  • Create a site name and URL: Type the name of the site, platform, or employee, or something that represents them as the site name. The site URL could be the link to the website or social media platform where the content will be published. You can leave this field blank if you do not have a link at the moment or do not wish to insert one.
  • Set requirements: Add conditions that must be met before the content on this site is marked as completed. These requirements specify which steps or actions must be completed before any content on this site can be said to be completed.
  • Assign Roles: Assign each of the set requirements to a role. Assigned editing works to the editor, cover design to graphics designer, and publishing to editor or publisher, depending on how you define your roles. Click the “assigned to role” column and select a role from the list of drop downs.
Create New Site in ContentERP
  • Set Minimum Word Count: Set a default minimum wordcount for the content on this site. The minimum word count must be met for all content associated with this site. The default minimum word count is 1000 words.
  • Set a monthly target: Set a target for the minimum number of content that must be published monthly on the site. This allows you to properly track your progress, determine how far behind or ahead you are at meeting the monthly target. It will also allow you to properly schedule the content for each month so as to meet the set target.

Your Dream Job in 4 Steps: How to Become a Brand Content Writer

Your Dream Job in 4 Steps: How to Become a Brand Content Writer

There’s a reason why some of the brand content, articles and social posts, feel so personal and attractive to read. They have this “Wow, this really speaks to me” thing about them. That’s a subtle art of brand content writing that makes you feel connected to the content. Interested in learning how to ‘speak brand’ like that? Your first step is to know how to become a brand content writer, something we’ll learn in this article.

What Is The Role of A Brand Content Writer?

Imagine you are at a meeting and have to represent your company. How would you introduce them to your audience then? What would you talk about, how will you approach the topic? Would you be bold and energetic or composed and formal?

This is what the role of a brand content writer is. Unlike the general content writing professionals, their approach is customized and specific to the audience of that brand to meet any specific business objective.

To write for a brand, you have to become a part of the brand itself. You begin to think like the brand, speak like the brand and thoroughly understand what the brand stands for. This is what it means to “speak brand”. Your job and primary role as a brand content writer is to figure this out and use it to create content that speaks to your audience and makes them take an action – be it a purchase, a newsletter signup or something as trivial as a like on a social media post.

Role of A Brand Content Writer

Why Become a Brand Content Writer?

For one valid reason: brand content writers are high in demand nowadays and the salaries are lucrative for professionals who know their stuff. Content marketing is the king now and seems like businesses now have recognized its value as around 43% of small businesses want to invest more to improve their online visibility in 2024.

Content marketing gets three times more leads than paid search advertising and has created a plethora of opportunities for those writers who can really adapt and excel in brand content creation.

What’s more, a juicy annual wage of over $78,000 is also attractive enough for most content writers to focus on brand content writing and increase their chances of earning even further.

How to Become a Brand Content Writer – Requirements & Skills

· Be Able To Write a Variety of Brand Content

What caught your attention the last time you were scrolling through the social media? A catchy headline? Some attractive visuals? Or were they simple words that jumped off the page directly into your heart? Well, brands need that type of content for every platform they are on.

Here’s what a brand content writer may need to write and connect with their audiences:

1.    Blogs

Blog content gives some insights and updates related to the brand’s field. Brands require blogs to educate their readers and engage them to do something meaningful.

2.    Social Media Content

Every content you see on social media platforms is meant to catch your eye. Brands need it to create awareness and make their audience interact with it in any way, be it a comment, share or just a like.

3.    Product Descriptions

The products or services a brand produces need to be sold. Product descriptions highlight their features and make them desirable to the audience.

4.    Marketing Funnel Content

Brands look to create flawlessly engaging and attractive content for their marketing purposes and conversions like emails, landing pages, ads to increase sales and engagements.

To thoroughly understand how to become a brand content writer, the first thing to know is that each type of content is different and demands a separate tone and style.

For example, social media content is lighter, brief, highly engaging and more direct. Its aim is to increase engagement. However, for a blog, the content is comprehensive and the aim is to build trust and authority.

Read More: Are Mobile Blogging Software Worth the Hype? Features & Benefits

· SEO: Be Proficient in On-Page Optimization

If a brand is not on Google’s first page, it might as well just not exist at all. SEO drives more than 50% of web traffic so it’s something a brand content writer can never ignore. They should know how to use keywords and optimize them naturally and smoothly so that the readers don’t even notice them.

Mind you, Google’s got much sharper than before so SEO is not just only about stuffing keywords anymore. It includes having a good content structure, attractive headings, SEO title, meta description and optimized images as well now.

· Adaptability: Be Flexible to Adapt to Brand’s Voice

Let’s imagine you have written something, a blog for instance, for a tech company today. The next day, you are writing for a family-run bakery. Then your one, style and even the language will have a dramatic shift in them all.

For the tech company, you might have used some technical terms and jargons to sound authoritative and formal so that you could sell a new software. For the bakery however, you’d have used a softer and warmer tone to make its audience crave its fresh buns and pastries.

This is how a brand content writer shifts around with flexibility like a chameleon to adapt to the brand’s voice and make the content do their bidding. It’s a huge skill that will set you apart if understood and implemented correctly.

Skills Required to Become A Brand Content Writer

How to Become a Brand Content Writer – 4 Steps to Follow

So you want to join the evergreen world of brand content writing? Great choice. If you push yourself to become good enough, you’ll have opportunities and creativity lying around you all the time. Let’s walk through the steps you’ll need to take to know how to become a brand content writer.

Step 1: Get the Required Education and Training

But is learning really necessary? Absolutely. There’s simply no way around it. Benjamin Franklin once said “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” And how right he was when we take into account Google algorithms that keep changing how content writing impacts a brand’s audience. So to keep up and polish your skills, you HAVE to acquire that knowledge.

Here’s how to get started:

a)    Enroll In Targeted Courses, Certifications & Workshops

Look into digital marketing and SEO certification courses offered by Google or HubSpot. Yeah, we know general content writing courses are useful too but they’ll only teach you so much. You have to take part in up-to-date, industry-recognized courses that are verified and can improve your overall digital skillset and not just content writing.

And the good news? Most of them are often free or low-cost. Here are some of the free courses you can enroll in:

In addition to such courses, you can also join the workshops and webinars to get more immediate and practical learning experience.

There are various channels and digital marketing experts who often host such webinars to inform their audience about the latest trends and the tips and techniques.

For instance, Simplilearn’s YouTube channel is quite active and they regularly host such webinars and live teaching classes to make sure their students and followers stay updated.

b)   Self-Study Resources & Learn From the Best

So the courses are good enough to learn the basics. But if you want to follow the latest updates and see what’s working and what’s not before they are incorporated in those courses, start following the industry leaders.

LinkedIn and Twitter are your best friends in this regard. Content marketing leaders like Neil Patel, Seth Godin and Ann Handley post their videos and analysis almost on daily basis and also offer invaluable insights through their blogs and books.

We’ve always followed Neil Patel closely on Facebook and he also shares a lot of real world examples and case studies to prove what a successful brand and its content should be like.

How to Become a Brand Content Writer - Step 1 Get The Required Education & Training

Step 2: Gain Experience – It’s Crucial

Think of it this way: knowledge and skills are the tools you have but experience is what shows you how to use them effectively. It’s what tells you how to apply what you’ve learned in real-world scenarios specifically when real stakes are involved.

Here’s how you can gain experience:

a)    Apply for Internships Even If They Are Unpaid

You’ve just set foot in the digital marketing world and knowing how to become a brand content writer is not as easy as it seems. So start looking for opportunities around you.

Not getting any job offers? Don’t worry, land an internship instead, even if it’s unpaid. They help you build your resume and learn everything from the inside. According to Flair HR, around 70% of internships turn into full-time job offers.

That’s huuggee!

Read More: How to Create a Digital Brand Strategy for Optimal Growth

b)   Sign Up As a Content Writing Volunteer

A great way to build your portfolio without using any platforms is to volunteer your writing services. Offer your brand content writing services to non-profits or local community groups and have your name written as the author of that work as your incentive.

See how the portfolio starts building? Plus, it feels great to give back.

c)    Look for Freelance Projects on Freelancing Websites

Start small. It will eventually lead to big opportunities. Use online platforms like Upwork or Freelancer to take on small projects that can build your portfolio while you look around for in-office jobs.

As per a recent survey, over 57% of freelancers use these platforms to find consistent work.

How to Become a Brand Content Writer - Step 2 Gain Experience

Step 3: Start Building a Good Portfolio

Just like how you need a passport to enter a foreign country, your portfolio is the passport that’ll let you enter a new world of high-paying writing jobs if you know how to become a brand content writer. Adobe says that 59% of hiring managers prefer work portfolios over traditional resumes.

So now that you have gained ample experience, build a portfolio and make sure it’s well-organized and shows a range of skills:

a)    Show a Variety of Content

Try to include samples that show your ability to write in different styles and for different platforms such as blogs, social media and email marketing.

Your diverse content writing skills will show your potential employers or clients that you are flexible and adaptable to their needs.

b)   Present Everything Very Professionally

One of the first pointers that show your skills and profile in good light is the way of present your skills and work experience in your portfolio.

Create a simple and clean website on WordPress or Wix or use platforms like Behance where your work and experience should be easily visible and accessible.

Present every piece without any typos or formatting errors so your potential clients could see how your profile stands out from the rest.

c)    Highlight Your Successful Projects

If you have metrics or results from previous work (e.g., a blog post that ranked well on Google or a campaign that led to increased engagement), include these on your portfolio website. They’re concrete proof of your skills.

For instance, if a blog post you wrote increased traffic to a client’s website by 40%, mention this as it speaks volumes about your actual skills and shows you know your way around the maze of digital marketing.

d)   Include Some Testimonials and Feedback

Another foolproof way to win your clients over is to add the feedback and testimonials of your previous clients. Ask them to be detailed and honest in their reviews about your services as they’ll play a huge role to convince your future clients about your abilities to handle their projects.

How to Become a Brand Content Writer - Step 3 Build Your Portfolio

Step 4: Network and Market Yourself

You may think, “Why can’t I just let my work speak for itself?” Well, creating a portfolio is not enough because how would you make your profile reach the potential clients at all?

A study revealed that over 80% of professionals consider networking to be key to career success. While quality work is crucial, in the digital age, networking is what places your work in front of the right eye. Think of it as the seeds you’ll plant now to sow the sweet fruit later:

a)    Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Profile

This platform is simply a goldmine for writers. First, make sure that your profile is fully optimized and updated. Then, connect with industry professionals, join relevant groups and participate in discussions as much as you can.

Once you start sharing your projects and insights, these connections will lead to job opportunities and collaborations. So post regularly and engage in healthy discussions to put yourself out there.

b)   Build Your Personal Brand

If there’s one thing that can attract clients and employers to you and not the other way around, it is your personal branding. So establish a personal brand that reflects your unique experience as a brand content writer and professional skills.

Once you have created a professional LinkedIn profile and a portfolio website, it’s time to create social media pages for your company or services. Expand as much as you can to capture more of your potential clients in different digital spaces.

How to Become a Brand Content Writer - Step 4 Market Yourself

How to Become a Brand Content Writer – Time to Engage With the Brands

Now that you’ve got your foot in the door with some solid experience and a good network, what’s next? Let’s talk about when you receive an offer from a brand and how you can actively work with them to make sure that your career as a brand content writer continues to thrive.

· Craft A Solid, Solution-Oriented Proposal Every Time

When brands approach you or you pitch your services to them, your proposal should speak directly to their needs and goals. Keep this in mind that a brand only requires people who can become a part of their vision.

So do your research, understand what the brand stands for and suggest content ideas that fulfill their needs and align with their marketing strategies.

For instance, if a brand wants to expand its online presence, mention specifically how your SEO-focused articles will enhance their visibility, what steps you’ll take, what solutions you’ll provide and what the results will be.

· Understand & Implement Brand Briefs Properly

Let’s suppose you have been finalized as the ideal candidate and are now employed by the brand. What they’ll provide you initially will be a brand brief.

A brand brief is kind of a roadmap that a brand wants you to follow for all its content writing services. It highlights what they want you to accomplish with your content. So take as much time as you need to really digest what’s asked of you.

Don’t ever hesitate to ask questions if something isn’t clear. According to a report, 43% of content marketers say that they struggle when communicating with influencers or writers and one of the major reasons is that the right questions are never asked and clear answers are never provided.

· Don’t Get Frustrated With Feedback and Revisions

Dealing with feedback is part of the game so never worry about getting too much of it. Remember that revisions aren’t a sign of failure but instead opportunities to refine and improve your content and strategies further.

So maintain professionalism and be open to constructive criticism. Don’t get frustrated at all and implement changes while having an aim to exceed expectations with each revision.

How To Engage With Brands As A Content Writer

How to Maintain a Successful Career as a Brand Content Writer

Content strategies and preferences are changing every month so it’s extremely crucial for you to stay updated and relevant to get the best results possible.

Here’s what will help you stay on top of your brand content writing game:

  • Keep Learning & Adapting Continuously
  • Follow the Current Content Trends
  • Create a Regular Feedback Channel

Read More: Creative Brainstorm for Content Ideation – Here’s How to Conduct It

Elevate Your Brand Content Writing with ContentERP

ContentERP is an all-in-one revolutionary content management software that can improve your content writing for brands by providing a suite of tools designed to streamline the entire content creation process from keyword research to content publication.

Here are just SOME of its features:

  • Streamline Your Workflow Management: ContentERP helps you manage multiple content projects with its intuitive dashboard and makes sure that you never miss a deadline again.
  • Improve Your Collaborations: ContentERP enables collaborations in a seamless way between writers, editors, and brand managers. This feature helps you gather feedback and make revisions quickly.
  • Optimize Your Content Strategy: Now you can plan and execute a content strategy with built-in tools for keyword integration and SEO optimization.
  • Get Real-Time Analytics: Get real-time insights into how your team is performing and what their wages are at your fingertips. This data will help you make data-driven decisions to improve engagement and effectiveness.
Elevate Your Brand Content Writing Services with ContentERP


So now you know how to become a brand content writer it’s time to take the plunge into the world of lucrative content writing. Just keep in mind that every blog you write, every social media post you update and every product description you upload should speak “brand” to engage and convert your audience into buyers.

So invest time in your education, gain some experience and then create a strong portfolio to build a career and get hired by brands to shape their future. Keep your skills sharp and use tools like ContentERP to keep your content strategies extremely effective with minimal efforts.

The brands of tomorrow need your voice today. So roll up your sleeves and start learning right away.

The Winning Guide: How to Hire Someone to Create a Content Creation Plan

The Winning Guide: How to Hire Someone to Create a Content Creation Plan

We’ve seen that content creation is a targeted and tedious process – especially now in 2024. Long hours, sleepless nights, missed events are just some of its highlights. Want to avoid the hassles? Then you should know how to hire someone to create a content creation plan.

However, it’s not something as simple as going to the supermarket to buy something and be done with it.

We have put years of blood and sweat into the content writing & social media marketing fields but it’s only now that we know how and where to find the best content creators. So we have written this guide with the practical and step-by-step methods to make your hiring process a breeze.

Let’s get started.

5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Content Creator to Create a Plan   

“People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories, and magic,” says Seth Godin. So imagine you have a key create those relations and stories with your audience. You’d use it in a jiffy, right? That’s what a good content creator brings to your team – a chance to tell your story to the audience in a way that will convert them into customers.

So here are the five practical reasons why you should hire a content creator for your business.

1.    Increase Your Business Reputation

The right content creator will help you increase your business reputation with high-quality content they create. Informative blog posts, engaging social media content and compelling videos, you name the type of content and they can create it.

Content with higher quality and relevance can position your brand as a trusted authority in your industry and earn the respect and admiration of your target audience.

2.    Improve SEO Continuously and Regularly

Google, as a surprise, has been pushing updates for SERPS pretty regularly over the last years and the process has not stopped even today. For business people, it’s a long walk down the road to keep themselves informed & educated with all the new updates.

So a professional content creator will create your content with ultimate precision to make sure that it not only has a high quality but is also perfectly poised to rank on Google by following all the latest tricks and tips and make your business visible to more people.

The fact that almost 70% of online purchases start with a search engine makes knowing how to hire someone to create a content creation plan even more crucial.

3.    Build Loyal Audience & More Connections

A successful business is always more than just its quality products and services. It has a special bond, a level of trust with its audience. Now what if our content could do more than just selling your products and services and establish that kind of relationship with your own audience?

That’s what a professional content creator does – speak directly to the hearts and minds to build a loyal and stronger customer base by increasing your audience’s engagement. 

Read More: Are Mobile Blogging Software Worth the Hype? Features & Benefits

4.    Drive Real Actions on Your Platform

You create content to make your audience visit your website and turn them into customers, right? Are they able to find what they need to make their purchasing decisions? Content isn’t what you only fill your pages with, it’s what creates a pathway to action and makes them buy your services and products.

A good content creator will attract visitors and guide them clearly in a compelling way to take action, whether it is to sign up for updates, buy something or even just share your content with others. For example, when a CTA is added in a strategic way, conversion rates can increase up to 68%, a huge improvement.

5.    Align Your Content with Your Business Goals

Content should always have a purpose. Are you sure yours has one and is working hard enough for your business? Does each blog on your website, each post on your social media platforms serve its purpose to increase the engagement, visibility and ultimately sales? If not, maybe your content goals in your marketing strategy are not following your business goals.

To ensure that your goals align, you must hire a professional content creator because only the experienced ones can help achieve your business objectives as strategically as you want. 

5 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Content Writer

How to Hire Someone to Create a Content Creation Plan: Steps & Tips

Well, as they say, “In recruiting, there are no good or bad experiences – just learning experiences!!” So how to hire someone to create a content creation plan?

As we have already navigated those waters and know what do and what to avoid, we won’t let you have a bad experience. Our years of experience has helped us refine that process here in this section to make sure that the content creator you choose is not just a hire but the right hire.

1.    Create a Job Posting

Freelancing and other professional platforms give you an opportunity to find the best match and separate the experienced from the inexperienced. It all begins with a job posting.

Remember the difference between a job posting and a job description. The job description is for internal purposes and cannot be used for an external audience. Here’s a quick difference:

Job Posting: A kind of announcement to inform your potential candidates about the opportunity and includes details like company bio, job roles & responsibilities.

Job Description: An in-depth overview of the role that includes the summary, catalog of all the responsibilities, soft & business skills and minimum qualifications that you require for that role.

a.    Give A Suitable Job Title:

So sign in to your preferred platform and go to the “post a job/hire a candidate” or a similar option and then to content creation services. Begin writing your job posting with a very precise job title. It should reflect the scope of work so it should be something like a Content Writer, SEO Content Specialist or a Digital Content Specialist.

b.    Specify The Company Details & Probable Salary Range:

Introduce the name and structure of the company. Then mention the salary expectations the content creator should expect from the business. If someone finds themselves an overachiever for the job, they will simply not apply. Saves you time and money.

c.    Define The Role & Responsibilities:

Next, mention the requirements including all the responsibilities and the type of content you need. Will they create content creation plans & calendars? Or write social media posts? Or long form articles? Be clear with the details as they’ll attract those who are qualified and are excited to take it on.

d.    Highlight The Required Skills:

Now highlight the skills you want them to possess for that post. It could include SEO knowledge, CMS experience in WordPress, ContentERP, Hubspot etc or any specific writing styles.

e.    Outline The Instructions To Apply:

The last section is where you mention all the instructions clearly on how to apply, what to include in their application and what projects or samples they should attach. This will help you understand their previous experiences and expertise in a better way.

Tip: Make sure you understand the difference between a freelancer and an employee. Sometimes, but not always, freelancers are way better for short term projects. On the other hand, the employee can go for years and can also understand your business better. Choose as per your needs.

Create A Job Description First (How to Hire Someone to Create a Content Creation Plan)

2.    Gather Portfolio Details & Reviews about the Applicants

Next up, take a look at the list of candidates who have applied for the job and filter the ones who are unqualified. Usually about 75% of the applicants are unqualified for the jobs they apply for, so it will take you some time to filter them all.

For the qualified ones, start collecting their portfolio details. In ideal situations, we usually also look up for referrals and work history before we interview the candidates. Their past work should also show you their work quality, variety and effectiveness.

If we want to hire or outsource to a freelance writer through a freelancing platform, we read the negative reviews as well. This helps us figure out what everyone complains about in their work and what exactly must we avoid.

If something is repetitive, we simply skip the candidate because we know the chances of us making the same complaint are pretty high. 

Tip: If someone is really interested in your job posting, their cover letter and resume will be directly customized as per the job requirements. They’d have mentioned your website, expected payment and relevant experience and all other details. 

Review The Applications & Portfolio (How to Hire Someone to Create a Content Creation Plan)

3.    Shortlist Potential Candidates for Interviews

Now that you have posted the job, received several cover letters and applications, it’s time to shortlist candidates. Make a list of the ones who you think are the best fits for an interview. It’ll take you a while to go through them all and shortlist the most suitable ones.

In our personal experience, only 1 to 2 out of 10 applicants are good enough to be considered for the next step of the hiring process. We get hundreds of applications just for one job posting so it takes hours, or sometimes even a couple of days, for us to sift through all of them to find the right ones.

Tip: Don’t forget to consider personal statements & work histories. That’ll show you if they’re inclined to stay & grow professionally or simply jump ships after achieving their short-term goals.

Shortlist Candidates For Interview (How to Hire Someone to Create a Content Creation Plan)

4.    Schedule & Conduct Thorough Interviews

Next, you have to interview the selected candidates. Finalize the time, dates and the location (if the job is on-site) of the interviews for each candidate and convey this info to them as per the availability.

During the interview process, try to assess how well the candidate can align with your company’s or business’s work ethics. Ask them about their work preferences and career aspirations as well to get some deeper insights about their abilities.

What we find very considerable during the interviews is to ask them how they research the topics. Do they open the links on the first page of Google & jot everything down from there? Cause then, that new blog won’t provide any new info or out of the box suggestions and advice, thus making it similar to the ones already present over the internet. 

If they use YouTube, Quora, Reddit, Medium, AnswerThePublic and other platforms as well to gather info and stats where people are genuinely answering queries, it’s a pointer that they know what to do and might be the writer you are looking for.

Tip: Make sure the writer can understand and acknowledge your mission statement and the content goals you convey during the interview. This would be the basis of their future assessments and projects.

Schedule & Conduct Interviews (How to Hire Someone to Create a Content Creation Plan)

5.    Set Clear Expectations & Sign a Contract

So now that you have selected the best candidate, it’s time to move on to the next and last step which is to negotiate a contract and make them fully aware of your expectations.

What are the salary range and increment conditions? When do you hold your meetings? What are the work expectations and KPIs? Payment methods and on what basis, expected timeline for each task etc etc. You should convey everything very clearly to the final candidate.

No questions should be left unanswered and the candidate should ask as many questions as they want. This shows commitment and professionalism that someone is interested in understanding the business and taking it to heights. 

Tip: Include a review period (of 30, 60 or 90 days) in your contract so that both the parties can evaluate if this new arrangement is working effectively for everyone.  

Negotiate & Sign A Contract (How to Hire Someone to Create a Content Creation Plan)

Where to Find the Best Content Creators

Great content is never just about putting some words together, but rather what and how to string them together. And not everyone can do it exactly as you or your brand needs. But to find the perfect content writer is not a small feat.

So now you know how to hire someone to create a content creation plan, but where should you start looking for your ideal candidate?

For your ease, here are some sources we have gathered that will connect you to some of the top content writers and creators.

1.    Upwork

Upwork is one of the oldest and most well-managed freelancing platforms and has some of the most experienced freelance content writers and there are less chances of being scammed here due to a strict check and balance between both the parties.

Post Detailed Job Description:

The best thing about Upwork is that you can post a detailed job offer and then receive proposals from all concerned and interested candidates along with direct access to their profile details and portfolio.

Automatic Job Invites:

Upwork also allows you to send invitations to top rated professionals to apply for the job you post even before they can send a proposal themselves. This helps encourage the best and most highly skilled professionals to apply for your job at their earliest to get selected.

The content professionals on Upwork are highly paid so make sure you have a good budget if you want to get extraordinary results.

Read More: YouTube Content Strategy: A Complete Guide with 10 Proven Steps

2.    Fiverr

Fiverr is another top rated freelance platform where you search your required task/job and the Fiverr algorithm recommends individuals to whom you reach out with all the details.

Search by Skillset & Experience:

You can filter your searches by any specific writing skills or expertise to hire the best content writer according to your criteria.

Evaluate Portfolios & Past Reviews:

Every freelancer on Fiverr has a portfolio of their experience and past work along with all the ratings and reviews their clients have provided them. This info will give you the insights about their capability and reliability.

Start Small With Low Budget Hires:

The best thing about Fiverr is that you can start with a low budget here. Professionals on Fiverr provide their services for as low as $5 which is a plus especially if you are on a very tight budget.

3.    LinkedIn

LinkedIn has to be the most professional platform for freelancers, outright businesses and high-end clients and is our 2nd most go-to platform to hire our writers. Not only is it an extremely preferred amongst all content professionals but also a go-to place for them to show their skills and experience by actually displaying it in the form of comments, blogs, industry connections etc.

Find Candidates With Recommendations:

The top rated content writers have several authentic endorsements on their profiles by other industry professionals. It becomes easier for you to know which ones are worthy enough to offer a role for your projects.

Engage With Content To Understand Expertise:

Good content managers and writers actively publish blogs and comments to show their expertise. You can take a look at their content to see if their writing style and expertise match your job responsibilities and criteria.

Where To Look For The Best Content Creators

Create an Effective Content Creation Plan with Your New Hire

See how crucial it is to know how to hire someone to create a content creation plan? It covers a whole process that makes sure you select the best content creator to achieve your content goals.

Done with selecting one? Now it’s time for a proper plan to take this forward.

  1. Tell them what you are hoping to achieve and for how long. The objectives need to be clear. Your content creator should know what is expected of him and how he should achieve it.
  2. They might not get it on the first day so give them some time to adjust to the work requirements, brand personality, brand voice etc.
  3. Work with your content creator to define your target audience and develop content strategies and goals. Help and identify the gaps and opportunities for improvements via a content audit.
  4. Once everything is done and you have all the information on your fingertips, now create the perfect content creation plan with a content calendar to make sure that the production, approval and publication of content goes according to the plan.
  5. Hold regular (we suggest keeping the frequency weekly or every 10 days) meetings and tell them about responsibilities and evaluate their work. 

Maintain a Successful Relationship with Your Content Team

You see, the business grows when the team grows. There’s very little we can do alone and so much we can do together. 

From our experience in the content writing industry, we say can say one thing with confidence: once you start keeping all the teams updated about everything, your teams eventually grow confidence in your decisions and follow it to perfection.

Content is all about creativity & trends and variety is its lifeline in digital marketing. Hence, don’t boss the teams around too much, give them some space to be creative and think out of the box.

So now we know how to hire someone to create a content creation plan, it’s time to kick start a successful professional relation to bring out the best in them. Hear them out and keep a clear communication. It opens doors to fostering a positive work culture. And also the team feels supported and valued.

Isn’t that what we all want? 

Prevent burnout and have brainstorming sessions where everyone grabs a cup of coffee and pitches in with their ideas, no matter how absurd they sound. Not only will this help get some productive ideas but also give time to the whole team to interact with each other.

Read More: Creative Brainstorm for Content Ideation – Here’s How to Conduct It

FAQs – How to Hire Someone to Create a Content Creation Plan

How much does it cost to hire a content creator?

In our experience, the cost to hire a content writer varies widely and primarily depends on their level of expertise. Typically:

Freelancers: May charge anywhere between $0.05 to $0.5 per word as per their experience & the topic complexity.

Agencies: Usually offer packages content writing that can range from $500 to several thousand per month.

How do I hire someone to create content?

To hire a content creator, you have to:

  1. Define your content needs first of all (like type, goals, volume etc).
  2. Choose the right hiring platform (freelancing websites, professional networks, agencies etc).
  3. Post a job with detailed description, shortlist candidates and conduct interviews.
  4. Clarify your goals and then sign a contract.

Is hiring a content creator worth it?

Oh definitely yes. Hiring a content creator is worth the investment. They should, however, be an expert and a professional enough to help you boost your SEO, engagement and conversions. Here’s a fun fact: content generates over 3 times as many leads as conventional marketing and costs 60% lesser.

How much do agencies charge for content creation?

Agencies usually have packages which include different content writing roles and responsibilities. Their basic packages can start from just a few hundred dollars while more comprehensive ones that may also include SEO optimization, social media management etc may cost you several thousand dollars per month.

How Can ContentERP Improve Your Content Management & Productivity

Well, here it comes, the crown jewel of your content creation plan, ContentERP. We have designed it to help you manage and streamline your niche blog and content websites in a more effective and efficient way.

Here’s how it will make your productivity skyrocket:

  • Manage Your Keyword Research & SEO

Now track your target keywords automatically or search for new ones in the inbuilt keyword research tool to make sure your content ranks higher on search engines.

  • Automate Your Content Workflow

No more running around the teams to have your projects completed. ContentERP simplifies content planning, creation and publication with automated workflows and assigns the topics to respective writers. Save your time & increase your productivity with content automation.

  • Get Performance Analytics

ContentERP gives you all the information and insights you need to make data-driven decisions. See how each writer is doing, track their working hours and efficiency at your fingertips.

By using ContentERP, you’ll be able to create a much more organized, efficient and a highly scalable content creation plan. Sign up today and take your productivity to the next level.

How Can ContentERP Improve Your Content Management & Production - How to Create a Content Creation Plan


Knowing how to hire someone to create a content creation plan has now become an essential knowledge, one that can affect the future of your brand. The Content Marketing Institute says that 62% of the most successful content marketers have a documented strategy. So to succeed in content strategizing, you have to find someone who not only understand your content’s vision and your brand’s personality but can also use it in the content that actually performs.

It took us years to understand the hiring process and polish it to perfection, but with this blog, we have made sure you get the best hire right away.

So sign up for ContentERP and follow the steps we have mentioned to create not just content but more of an experience that will engage your audience and drive your growth quickly towards success.

ContentERP Modules

What better way to navigate swiftly between tabs and pages on a website than an intuitive module? The modules are the overall organization and arrangement of our menus and tools, allowing you to create and manage your content and team efficiently. Our modules tab is interactive and user-oriented and allows you to switch between pages by simply pressing the assigned number on your computer keyboard.

Currently, there are 10 modules, assigned numbers 1-0.

Shortcut Tips: The figure in parentheses “()” after each module is the shortcut. Press the figure on your keyboard to see the magic.

Overview of the ContentERP Modules

Home Module (1)

The home module represents the ContentERP dashboard that is displayed on login. This module contains a list of other modules, task overview, content report, and overall progress report of your content.

On this module, you can also access and manage your profile information, get notifications, create to-do list, and do so much more.

Content Module (2)

The content module contains the list of contents created on your account and organizes them according to the sites. You can also create, edit, and manage both content and the site, as well as go as far as reorganizing the sites.

Here are some of the features of the page and their functionalities:

  • New Site: This button allows you to create a new site.
  • New Content (c): Use this button to create new content on any of the sites connected to your account. 
  • More Actions: Use the feature to select more actions on the content module, such as editing a site, re-ordering the sites, importing and exporting content, and deleting a site.
  • More: If you have two or more sites connected to your account, you can use the “more” dropdown button to switch to hidden sites.
  • Filter (f): Use this feature to filter your content. Currently, there are four (4) filter options: manager, status, type, and date.
  • Search (s): Use the search bar to look up content. Type in the keyword or title of a topic and press the search icon, or press enter on your keyboard. Please note that you can only search for content on the selected site. You can switch between sites to search for different content.
  • Clear (⌥ + c or alt + c): Use the clear button to reset or clear your search item.
  • Table View (t): Use this feature to toggle between card view and table view.

Remember: The figures and letters in parentheses “()” after each feature is the shortcut. Press the figure or letter on your keyboard to see the magic.

Research Module (3)

On the research module page, you can carry out keyword research and analysis. Our system uses Google keyword tools and AI to make accurate suggestions based on the main keyword you provide and analyze the keywords. It also gives you suggestions on related keywords that can improve your on-page SEO.

This module allows our users to research and manage keywords for their articles. You can either select an article and carry out keyword research for the article or create a new article from the keywords you’re researching.

Our system also generates a list of top sites for a particular keyword, making competitive analysis a lot more easier as you can easily know which sites are ranked highest for a particular keyword.

CERP Keyword Research and Analysis Module

Here are some of the features of this module that can help you improve your content creation journey:

  • Keyword Research and Analysis: On this module, you can easily analyze and research the keywords you want to use in your articles. For efficiency, before commencing the keyword analysis or keyword research, we recommend you select a specific content you would like to work on.
  • Keyword Suggestion: The keyword suggestion is a feature that suggests high-ranking keywords for you based on the current keywords you’re researching. Our keyword generator suggests similar keywords that can be used as alternatives or interchangeably with your keyword.
  • Location-specific Keyword Research: This feature allows you to streamline your keyword research to a specific location, such as researching birthday gifts ideas in the US or France, or used vehicles for sale Australia. All you have to do is select the area you want your keyword research to be based on.
  • Filter Our Unnecessary Keywords: With this feature, you can easily eliminate unnecessary results from your keyword suggestions. Use the filter feature to tailor your research to your specific need.
  • Save Keyword For Later: You can also save keywords to be used later. The save for later feature can come in handy when you come across keywords that can be useful in future contents in your research process.
  • Create New Content From Researched Keywords: Used the researched keywords to start a new content on your blog. ContentERP is designed to allow our users start a new content with a new keyword discovered during the keyword research process.

Cerp Writer Module (4)

Cerp Writer or Article Writer allows you to create, edit content, and modify content directly from our dashboard. ContentERP is designed with an intuitive and user-friendly interface and equipped with an AI writer that helps you generate every aspect of your article, from the outline to the body of the article.

The AI writer can do so much more than just generating your content, the article editor is also designed to simplify your writing process. CERP Writer is also equipped with AI image generator that helps your generate unique pictures and cover images for your article.

Cerp Writer Features

The Cerp Writer AI assistance is designed to help simplify your writing and here are the functions available with our AI assistance;

Generate Outline:

Generate an outline for your article with our AI assistance by imputing a command prompt that resonates with your objective. By default, we have a system-defined prompt that was created with your audience in mind. Additionally, the default prompt includes the keywords associated with the content you’re working on. But what’s more interesting? You can edit this prompt and customize it to your taste.

Expand Text:

Use the “expand text” feature to further expand your articles by converting short-form paragraphs and short sentences to long and meaningful paragraphs. Write a prompt for each of the outlines, generate the content and copy the result into the text editor for formatting and further editing.

Rephrase Text:

This feature can be used to rephrase a sentence or paragraph in the article using our AI assistance. This can be instrumental in changing the tone of your article and eradicating plagiarism. 

Copy the sentence(s) or paragraph(s) you want to paraphrase and paste it into the prompt generator, include your command and click the “Generate” button. You can use one-word prompts like paraphrase, rewrite, rephrase, etc., or full-sentence prompts, depending on your preference.

Custom Prompt:

The custom prompt enables our users to generate additional task-specific prompts. You can generate a wide range of prompts and use the result in creating the content. This gives you the freedom and flexibility to explore different options and generate a range of content for your article.

Generate Full Article:

Use this feature to generate the full article from scratch. Our AI assistance can be used to generate the outline and the full body of the article. This makes your writing process simple, straightforward, and faster.

Additionally, unlike other features that require you to copy and paste the generated results, the generated full article automatically populates the editor, which you can further edit and format to your needs and taste. Don’t forget to save your article after generating, editing, and formatting.

Financial Module (5)

The financial module allows our users keep track of their income and expenses over time. This report can be viewed according to each site, enabling our users keep track of the income generated across each site.

The users can also create new streams of incomes and expenditures, allowing them to truly take note of all their income streams and expenditure outlets.

Contractor expenses tab allows the users to keep track of their cost of outsourcing jobs to external contractors and clients. Monitor the cost of hiring each employees on the team and also take note of unpaid debts.

ContentERP Financial management module

Progress Module (6)

The progress module displays a list of all contents that are still in development. The contents are categorized according to the sites and you can track which team members have yet to complete their task, which team member has completed theirs, request for rework or correction, and also mark the content as uploaded.

This module contains ONLY the contents that have been started. All completed contents or contents that haven’t been started are not listed on this page.

Queue Module (7)

The queue module displays the list of tasks assigned to each team member and the status of the tasks. The major difference between this module and the progress module is that this module contains tasks that haven’t been started and they are categorized according to required skills and the owner of each task.

Select a skill category, for example, graphics designer, you will get a list of tasks assigned to each of the graphics designers on your team and the status of each task assigned to them, either in progress or completed.

Note that this module only displays contents that are not completed.

User and Team (8)

Manage your team members with the “User and Team” module. This section allows you to add, remove, or modify team member’s access.

This module contains four (4) sections that allow you to properly manage your team and organizations. Here are the actions you can perform with each section:

  • User: This section allows you to invite users to your team and edit the team members’ access and details. 
  • Invitations: This is where you’ll find the list of all invited team members who have yet to join your team. You can choose to delete their invite from this page. This will invalidate the invite link sent to the user.

  • Organization: This section displays all the team members of your organization and their roles, such as owners, co-owners, managers, and content creators. Meanwhile, you can’t perform any actions on this page. If you wish to add teammates or update team member’s roles, you can do that from the user section on this module.
  • Team Management: This allows you to create and manage multiple teams on your account.

Modify User:

Use the form field after the “invite user” button to search for a team member. You can search for either first name, last name, email, or role.

Modify user

On the user you intend to modify, select the appropriate action from the “action” tab. There are three (3) actions represented by icons and buttons;

  • Dustbin Icon: For deleting a user from your team.
  • Edit Icon: For editing user access and details. In this section, you can change a team member’s role, change permissions, and payment terms.
  • Disable Button: Allows you to disable and enable team members without removing them from your team.

Forum (9)

The Forum allows you to interact and share knowledge of ContentERP with other users. You can ask questions in the forum, answer other people’s questions, comment on forum posts, or even start a new topic for discussion.

The Post section displays all forum posts, and you can interact with the posts by either upvoting, downvoting, or replying to the posts.

The Notifications section displays notifications received from the forum. Either someone interacts with your posts and comments, or a forum member mentions you in the post. All forms of forum-related notifications are displayed here.

Use the “Open Forum” button to go to the forum. Remember, you must log in before you can post or interact with other forum posts.