How to get content for my website

How to get content for my website

How to get content for my website

How to create content for website; contenterp


You’ve decided to start a search-engine-optimized website. You’ve created a domain and picked a web host. The next step is to fill your website with content. But what should you write about?

There are many ways to get content for your website. You could write original articles or republish articles from other sources. You could also interview experts in your field and write about their insights.

In this article, we’ll discuss the different ways to get content for your website and offer tips for each approach. We’ll also give you a few resources to help you get started.

Why Content Is Important

You might be wondering why content is so important for your website. Think about it this way: a website is nothing without content.

Content helps you connect with your customers, tells them who you are, and showcases your work. Not to mention, good content can help you rank higher in search engines. So it’s essential that you take the time to create high-quality content that will engage your customers and help you reach your business goals.

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating content for your website:

  • Make sure the content is relevant to your target audience.
  • Keep it concise and easy to read.
  • Include images and videos for added appeal.
  • Use keywords and phrases that will help you rank higher in search engines

How to Come Up With Content Ideas

Coming up with content ideas can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Keep a content ideas journal. This is a great way to keep track of all the topics you want to cover on your website.

2. Think about your target audience. What are their biggest concerns? What do they want to know more about?

3. Come up with a content strategy. This will help you map out your content calendar and ensure that you cover various topics on your website.

4. Brainstorm with your team. Get together with your team and brainstorm ideas for new content that you can add to your website.

5. Use social media to find inspiration. Check out what people are talking about on social media and see if there are any trending topics that you can cover on your website.

Use Google Adsense and Other Tools to Generate Content Ideas

So you want to start a website but don’t know what to write about? Not to worry, there are plenty of ways to get content for your website.

One way is to use Google Adsense. Adsense is a program that allows you to place ads on your website. When someone clicks on one of the ads, you earn money. Google will give you a code to insert into your website, and then it will start displaying relevant ads.

Another great way to generate content ideas is using tools like Answer the Public or Google Trends. Answer the Public is a free tool that allows you to see what questions people ask about a particular topic. Google Trends is a free tool that allows you to see a particular topic’s popularity.

Both tools are great for getting ideas for blog posts, articles, and even products. So give them a try and see what kind of content you can come up with!

Make Use of Guest Bloggers

guest blogger ideas to get content for website

One way to get content for your website is to make use of guest bloggers. This is someone who will write a post for your blog, and in return, you’ll feature their blog on your site.

It’s a great way to get content from people who are experts in their field, and it can help you build relationships with other bloggers. Plus, it’s a great way to drive traffic back to your site.

So how do you go about finding a guest blogger? Well, the best way is to reach out to people you know or contact bloggers who have a similar audience to yours. You can also use websites like Guest Blogger or MyBlogGuest.

Just make sure that you take the time to review each guest blogger’s post before it goes live on your site. This will ensure that the quality of your blog is always high.

Use Social Media to Generate Content Ideas

You can use social media to generate content ideas.

Think about the topics your audience is interested in and start brainstorming ideas for blog posts, articles, and even videos. You can also look at your customers’ questions and use those as the basis for your content.

Whatever you do, ensure you’re always creating content relevant to your audience and providing value. That’s what they’re looking for, which will keep them coming back for more.

use social media and old content to get website content

Repurpose Old Content

You might be wondering how you can get content for your website if you don’t have a lot of time or resources. Well, one way is to repurpose old content.

This could mean turning a blog post into a white paper or an ebook. Or, you could take a video you’ve already created and turn it into a series of social media posts.

The great thing about repurposing content is that you’re already halfway there. You’ve already done the hard work of creating the content, so all you need to do is tweak it for your new medium.

And the best part? Repurposing content is a great way to boost your SEO ranking, so you’ll get more traffic from Google without even having to try!

Use Data to Create Content

When creating content for your website, it’s important to use data to guide your decisions. That might sound a bit daunting, but it’s pretty easy.

Start by taking a look at your website analytics. See which pages are getting the most traffic, and then take a closer look at the keywords people are using to find your site. Once you have that information, you can start creating content that targets those keywords.

You can also use social media to get an idea of what people are talking about. See which topics get the most engagement and then create content around those topics.

The bottom line is that you need to use data to create content that resonates with your audience.

Get Others to Help You With Content

You might be wondering how you can get others to help you with content for your website. After all, you can’t do it all yourself. Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Ask your friends, family, and colleagues for help.

2. Crowdsource ideas from your followers on social media.

3. Get in touch with content creators and bloggers in your industry.

4. Pay for guest posts on high-traffic websites.

5. Create a content team and assign tasks accordingly.

6. Set up a system for contributors to submit their work.

7. Repurpose existing content from your blog or other websites.

8. Syndicate content from other publishers or websites.

How to Measure the Success of Your Content

Measure success of website content

Content is key to a successful website, but what constitutes “success”? How do you measure whether or not your content is hitting the mark?

There are a few things to consider when measuring the success of your content. The first is engagement. Are people reading your content, commenting on it, and sharing it? If not, you might need to rethink your strategy.

Another metric to consider is leads. Are people using your content to learn more about your product or service? If not, you might need to make your content more engaging (or sales, depending on your goals).

Finally, consider traffic. Are people coming to your website because of your content? If not, you need to produce better content that’s more relevant to your audience.

Measuring the success of your content isn’t an exact science, but by considering these three factors, you can get a good idea of how well it’s performing.

How Often Should You Post New Content?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, but a good rule of thumb is to post new content at least once a week. If you can’t think of anything new to write about, don’t force it. You’ll only end up putting out low-quality content which is not suitable for your website or readers.

Instead, try taking a different approach. Curate content from other sources or repurpose old content into something new. There are lots of different ways to get content for your website, so don’t feel like you have to do it all by yourself.

Create Evergreen Content

Here are a few tips for creating evergreen content:

First, think about what your audience is interested in. What are their pain points? What do they want to know more about? Once you know that, you can start creating content that’s relevant to them.

Second, choose a topic and stick with it. Don’t try to be everything to everyone. That’s a recipe for disaster. Instead, focus on one topic and become your audience’s go-to source of information.

Third, make sure your content is high quality. That doesn’t mean you have to be a professional writer—far from it. But it does mean taking the time to make sure your content is well-written, well-researched, and error-free.

Fourth, be consistent. If you can publish new content regularly, your audience will appreciate it and keep coming back for more.

Finally, experiment and have fun with it! There are no rules when it comes to creating content, so don’t be afraid to try new things.


We’ve looked at several ways to get website content in this blog post. Here’s a recap of the content generation ideas discussed. We hope this helps get your creative juices flowing to create amazing, SEO-friendly content that your readers will connect with.

1. Create interesting and original content. This will help you rank higher in search engines and attract more visitors.

2. Collaborate with other bloggers and websites: exchange guest posts or links to each other’s articles.

3. Use social media to share your content with a broader audience. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are great platforms for reaching new readers.

4. Repurpose old content. If you have a blog post that didn’t perform as well as you’d hoped, try rewriting it and publishing it on a different platform or using different keywords.

5. Hire a professional writer. Hiring a professional writer can be a great solution if you don’t have the time or resources to create your own content.

How to write SEO-friendly blog posts

How to write SEO-friendly blog posts

How to write SEO-friendly blog posts

contentERP SEO-friendly blog posts


Writing SEO-friendly blog posts includes crafting high-quality content that is appealing to search engine algorithms and human readers. Search engines love SEO content that helps people solve their problems and answer their questions.

You want to write blog posts that rank high in search engines, don’t you? Of course, you do! To do that, you must ensure you follow some tried and true SEO best practices.

In this article, we’ll teach you how to write blog posts that are search engine friendly. We’ll cover everything from formatting to keyword research and provide you with tips on ensuring your posts get the attention they deserve.

What Is an SEO-friendly Blog Post?

So, what is an SEO-friendly blog post? In a nutshell, it’s a blog post that’s been optimized to rank high in search engine results pages (SERPs). In other words, it’s a blog post that will help you get more traffic from people searching for information on the topic you’re writing about.

You can do certain things to make your blog post more SEO-friendly. For example, you can use keywords and phrases in your title and in the body of your post and add links to other related blog posts on your website. You can also optimize your images for search engines.

If you want your blog posts to rank high in SERPs, it’s important to keep these things in mind.

Write for Your Audience First

When writing SEO-friendly blog posts, it’s important to remember that you must write for your audience first and foremost.

That means thinking about the keywords and phrases your readers are likely searching for and then incorporating them into your content. But it’s not enough to just sprinkle them in here and there—you need to use them in a way that makes sense and sounds natural.

So how do you do that? It takes a bit of practice, but eventually, you’ll get the hang of it. And once you do, you’ll start seeing the results in your traffic stats.

How to Do Keyword Research for an SEO-friendly Blog Post

When it comes to SEO, keyword research is key. You want to ensure you’re targeting the right keywords so your blog post shows up on search engine results pages (SERPs).

But how do you know which keywords to target?

There are a few different methods you can use:

1. Google AdWords Keyword Planner: This tool is great for finding related keywords and estimating how much traffic they generate.

2. Google Search Console: Search console tells you which keywords your website is already ranking for.

3. Semrush: This tool helps you find competitors’ keywords and the estimated traffic they generate.

Incorporate Keywords Throughout Your Post

When it comes to writing SEO-friendly blog posts, one of the most important things to remember is to incorporate keywords throughout your post. This includes the title, the body, and even the tags and categories.

But how do you know which keywords to use? One way is to use Google AdWords Keyword Planner. This tool allows you to find keywords related to your topic and see how often they’re being searched.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you don’t want to overuse keywords. Google has been known to penalize websites for keyword stuffing, so make sure your keyword density is between 1 and 3 percent.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your blog posts will rank high in search engine results pages.

Optimize Your Post Title and Meta Data

Meta description: write SEO-friendly blog posts

Optimizing your title and metadata is important when you’re writing your blog post. This is what tells Google and other search engines what your post is about, and it’s essential for getting your content found.

The title of your post should be catchy and descriptive, and it should include your target keyword. The metadata should also include your target keyword and a brief description of your post.

If you’re unsure how to optimize your title and metadata, plenty of online tools can help you. And once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature. So don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it!

Use Keyword-Rich Titles

When you’re writing your blog post, it’s important to use a keyword-rich title. This will help you rank higher in search engine results pages and help people know what your post is about before they even read it.

There are a few different ways to come up with a keyword-rich title. You can use a tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner to find related keywords or look at the titles of other posts and see what words and phrases they contain.

Whatever method you choose, ensure the title accurately reflects the content of your post. Otherwise, you’ll disappoint your readers and lose their trust.

Structure Your Posts

When you’re writing a blog post, it’s important to structure it in a way that’s easy for readers to follow and that will help with your SEO. Here are some tips:

  1. Start with a catchy headline that grabs people’s attention.
  2. Introduce your topic in the introduction, and make sure to state what you plan to cover in the post.
  3. Break up your content into paragraphs, and use headings and subheadings to organize it.
  4. Add images and videos to break up the text and make your post more visually appealing.
  5. Use keyword-rich titles, headings, and tags to help improve your SEO ranking.
  6. Write a conclusion that summarizes your main points.
  7. Proofread your post for spelling and grammar mistakes.

Add Images and Videos

When it comes to SEO, you want to ensure that you’re adding images and videos to your posts. This is a great way to optimize your content and make sure that the right people are seeing it.

images and video aids to write SEO-friendly blog posts

Not only will this help you to rank higher in search engines, but it’ll also help keep your readers engaged. So make sure that you’re using high-quality images and videos in your content, and don’t forget to include keywords and tags.

Monitor Your Results

You’re looking to see your blog post’s performance when you monitor your results. You want to know how much traffic it generates, the bounce rate, and how long people stay on the page.

You also want to see where your traffic is coming from. Are people finding your blog post through Google? Or are they finding it through social media?

If you do not see the desired results, it’s time to rethink your approach. Maybe you need to focus on keywords more, or you need to make your posts longer and more in-depth.

Optimize Your Blog Post for Social Media

Now that you’ve written a great blog post, it’s time to optimize it for social media. Here are a few tips:

1) Use a catchy headline.

Your headline is the first thing people will see when they share your post, so make sure it’s catchy and compelling.

2) Add a compelling image.

People are more likely to share posts with images, so add a great one that will capture attention.

3) Write a brief summary of your post.

Make sure to include a brief summary of your post in the social media post, so people know what it’s about before they click through.

4) Use relevant hashtags.

hashtags make it easy for people to find your post, so use relevant ones that fit the topic of your blog post.

How to Promote Your SEO-friendly Blog Post

using a loudspeaker to promote SEO-friendly blog posts

You’ve written an amazing SEO-friendly blog post. Now what?

The next step is to promote it! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Share it on social media – This is a great way to reach a wider audience. Make sure to use relevant hashtags so that your post can be easily found.

Submit it to article directories – There are many article directories out there, and submitting your post can help you reach a new audience.

Email your list – If you have an email list, let them know about your new blog post. This is a great way to drive traffic to your site.

There you have it! These are just a few ways to promote your SEO-friendly blog post.


You’ve decided to start a blog. Fantastic! But now, you’re faced with the challenge of writing SEO-friendly blog posts that will help you reach your target audience.

SEO is one of the most rewarding systems to invest in. Results may not be immediate but after a while you’ll notice an increase of traffic to your site and better ranking on search engines. These results are achieved through consistent and intentional planning and work. So get to it. We here at contentERP are rooting for you!

Best practices for SEO content writing

Best practices for SEO content writing

Best practices for SEO content writing


SEO content writing is one of the most important aspects of any inbound marketing strategy. However, knowing the best practices for SEO content writing can be hard, especially for rookies. To rank high in Google search results, your website and blog posts must include optimized content that is relevant to your target audience. 

 If you’re writing content for your website, it’s important to ensure you’re doing everything possible to optimize it for search engines. write content that is both informative and SEO friendly.

Best practices for SEO writing contenterp

SEO writing practices you should be focussing on.

If you’ve already been introduced to SEO content writing but still find it hard to navigate what works and doesn’t stick around, the information provided in this article is for you. We will focus on the best practices you should focus on to ensure your content is search engine worthy.

Focus on brand authority

The pandemic and its effects on businesses, especially small ones, changed the trajectory of marketing strategies. Most businesses now realize the power of investing in an online marketing strategy, with gaining more organic traffic as the main goal for most.

For this reason, businesses must first focus on their identity and how they present themselves to customers. This is where branding comes in. Here are some best practices for SEO writing with a focus on building brand authority.

Use a singular voice

SEO content is both user-focused and SEO-friendly. For this reason, you must be careful about how the business is projected. Many businesses make the rookie mistake of assuming that company branding is the most important part of brand authority, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Build your brand around a single person as the authoritative or central figure, preferably the CEO. People are more likely to trust content if it appears to come from a person of authority than from random persons in the blog. The more niche the content, the more optimal it is to use a singular voice.

Have experts write specialized content

Brand authority best practices for SEO content writing

SEO content can be highly specialized and requires experts with proficient knowledge of their niches. It is common practice to hire ghostwriters for this practice. The CEO or content strategist can provide a bullet-point outline for writers to write standardized content.

DO: Have different writers that are proficient in their respective topics focus on them. For example, a social media marketing strategist can write content surrounding social media marketing. 

It’s bad practice, however, to have a writer focus too much on content creation that is outside their area of expertise. This will reduce the quality of content created and may affect it negatively. 

Don’t byline writers as staff or make up names. Instead, publish all content under a high authority figure and have them represent the blog’s voice.

Employ the use of quality control

Building on our previous point, using quality control for all articles will help push single voice content. After writers have written content, use a quality control officer to review it and ensure it is up to the company’s standards.

You can employ a QC officer if it is within your operational budget or have the CEO review content before it is published to the public.

Use traditional PR approaches

Traditional PR approaches have been at the top of the marketing strategies food chain for many years because of their proven efficiency. Even with the onset of search engines like Google, a good marketing campaign through media still reigns supreme.

Invest in a digital marketing plan to promote your content to the world. Embed your web page’s content to your social media pages like Instagram and Facebook.

Understand your audience

You’re writing content for an audience, so they should be your first focus when it comes to content strategizing. Spend considerable time learning the demographic you want your content to cater to find out what practices appeal to them. 

Understanding the psyche of your target audience will help you build a winning content strategy. Visitors will interact with the content they feel solves their problem at hand in the most effective, easy, and straightforward way.

Best practices for SEO content writing: traditional PR

Know the goal of your content

You should understand the intent of your content before writing it. Understanding your target audience will help you identify the type of content you want to focus on and create sustainable goals.

Is your content meant for the top of the funnel, the middle, or the bottom?

Come up with a writing plan

Understanding your SEO content writing goals will help make the writing process easier to navigate. A writing plan will help you know how to distribute your content across the calendar, when to post new content, or when to update old blog posts.

A writing plan will help you track what needs to be done and when and help better manage deadlines.

Optimize your web content 

It doesn’t matter how optimized your website is; your SEO strategy will fail if your content is subpar. Search engines love optimized content and will reward good behavior in SEO.

As a content writer, there are a few on-page elements you can focus on to create optimized SEO content.

Keyword research

We cannot stress enough the importance of doing keyword research. Any web content focusing on SEO will always mention keyword research, and for a good reason. Keywords are the bridge between content and the audience.

People use specific search phrases to find content on search engines. Search engines use these search phrases to find matching the best possible matches to provide to users.

Here’s a list of go-to title tag must-do’s to optimize your SEO content writing

  • Focus on low-volume keywords that are easy to rank. Our list of free keyword research tools will help you along this process.
  • Place your keywords strategically within the content. keywords should be placed in the title tag of the content, the meta description, and within the content on your page.
  • Do not stuff content with keywords. Keyword stuffing can be detected by search engine algorithms and can lead to penalties.
  • Do competitor analysis to know what keywords your competitors are ranking for.

Title tag

In the words of David Ogilvy;

On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.

David Ogilvy on advertising `

Here’s a go-to title tag checklist for SEO content writing.

  • Keep it short. The recommended word count for title tags is 50-60 characters. Google truncates everything after this to ensure that the title tag conveys the content’s message within the count provided.
  • Feature numbers. Title tags with numbers get 35% more clicks than titles without. you do the math.
  • The same study as above also discovered that titles with brackets and parentheses have a 38% higher click-through rate.

Meta description

Think of meta description as free advertising on SEO content writing. Meta descriptions give a brief overview of the webpage’s content. A great meta description;

  • Is between 100-300 words.
  • Contains the focus keyphrase
  • Answers the searcher’s most immediate query. It indicates that the content in the webpage has what the searcher is looking for.
  • Has an ask. e.g. asking the reader to visit your page for more information.

Title tags are one of the strongest signals for search engines to explain what the page is about. Consumers scan through a web page first before committing to reading its content. The <title tag> should capture the content you’re writing about enough to capture a reader’s attention.

Understand SEO Content Types

A variety of SEO content types are written, each with its own rules and style of writing. As an SEO content writer, you must determine the type of content required and how to write it.

Here is a list of SEO content types you can leverage

  • Lists. Focus on a numbered classification of items or ideas under the same topic or group of topics.
    • Example: “15 best keyword research tools that are not Google.
  • Guides. Guides give an in-depth understanding of the content on a specific topic. They can span several pages. Moz’s SEO guide dives into more detail.
  • Articles. This could be interviews, news, or features – commonly published by news publications.
  • Videos. These could be bite-size clips or long-form videos explaining a topic comprehensively. (Tip: YouTube is the second-largest search engine and has its own SEO structure for optimizing video content.)
  • Blog posts. Blog posts answer your target audience’s questions, which can also target specific keywords or queries.
  • Infographics. These visualize data and help capture organic traffic of searchers looking for quick answers to their queries.
  • Product pages. These offer product descriptions while also serving as landing pages for PPC campaigns.
  • How-to pieces. Such a piece of content is applauded for being actionable in answering a search query step-by-step.
  • Images and slideshows. These could be anything from supplementary and explanatory graphics to a PowerPoint presentation.

Create an editorial calendar and content briefs

With your list of target keywords and topics ready, take the time to organize them in a publishing schedule.

Planning and scheduling SEO content writing practices

Add a due date and an assignee with each topic – someone who’ll take over the content writing. This could be an in-house writer or a freelancer.

 Publish and track results

Once you hit publish, take the time to review the results.

For example, monitor Google Analytics to understand your posts’ traffic, how long visitors stay on the page, and what they’re clicking on.

To ensure you’re tracking progress correctly, pre-select the metrics to monitor based on your goals. Every quarter or so, review progress against these metrics.

Finally, an important piece in the SEO content writing strategy puzzle: keep refreshing old, evergreen content.

The Google algorithm loves fresh content and prioritizes it when ranking results. Be sure to add this step to your content marketing workflow.

Pay attention to emerging SEO content writing trends

The SEO landscape keeps changing, and you should keep up with the changing times. Follow SEO information websites to keep refreshing yourself on SEO guides provided by search engines such as Google.

On top of changing SEO methods, update your writing skills to keep up with the latest trends. Research proper terms and how they are used, check what content combinations bring in more traffic, and the ideal word count. Keep writing; practice makes perfect!

The difference between SEO content writing and regular content

Not all content is SEO content. Some content is not created for SEO and does not rank organically. Before writing anything, know the difference between the two types of content and the differences between them.

SEO content requires attention to search engine requirements for ranking. Content has to satisfy 200+ ranking factors, requiring the writer to know the industry.

Final word

Best practices in SEO content writing are less about paying attention to the content you’re working on and more about your overall SEO strategy. Content writing is a major part of SEO strategies; Bad content will not be ranked despite an optimized website.

Pay attention to your strategies and how you implement them and remember;

Where people aren’t having any fun, they seldom produce good work.”

 David Ogilvy, Confessions of an Advertising Man
How to improve content writing skills

How to improve content writing skills

How to improve content writing skills

As an SEO content creator, it is your duty to seek out ways how to improve content writing skills constantly. Creating quality and effective SEO content is essential for any business wanting to rank higher on search engine results pages. However, writing content that looks good, packs a punch with the right keywords, and is also easily readable and interesting for the average person can be daunting.

This article will give tips on improving your SEO writing skills and producing content that ranks high and engages your audience.

SEO content writer: how to improve content writing skills

What Is SEO Content?

Writing an SEO article requires a precise mindset, whereas writing standard content requires link-building to be done correctly, and care should be taken to cast each link positively.

Keywords like “SEO writing” give a false impression of content creation. Since there is a significant difference between writing content and writing it in SEO, the term SEO writing can be misleading. Writing an SEO article is entirely different from writing a conventional one.

The process of using SEO strategies and approaches entails writing content well optimized for both search engines and your target audience. Regular content writing entails content for people. You can get help writing content for people by visiting a website that serves as a content writing service, such as Writing Judge.

What Is SEO Content Used For?

SEO is used to make the output of your site correspond to the specified set of search queries. It gives people more chances to view your site and ensures they know which place it should be in search results.

Learn the basics of SEO

Rather than guiding new SEO writers through a massive manual or series of articles, we will focus on the most important basics here. This way, you can fine-tune strategies, tactics, and skills that are important to you rather than becoming overwhelmed and turning away.

Base content writing on search intent

Search is the process of looking for things either informally or formally. It often refers to means and access of information, or contents, which is usually found on the World Wide Web. Search is not fancy; it is just if a user searches for something.

Because people’s queries reflect where they are in the conversion funnel, understanding search intent can help you create and improve your content writing skills to better target potential customers.

search intent to improve content writing skills

A thorough understanding of search intent can help you:

  • You should search for keywords that people often use when looking for concrete things.
  • Focus your content on answering user questions and structuring pages in a friendly way for search engines and users.
  • Rank higher by creating valuable content to search engines and relevant to their users.

There are four main types of search intent:

  • Informational. Searcher seeks to know more about a certain topic. This article is an example of informational intent.
  • Navigational. Searcher already knows what they are looking for and trying to navigate the page. “SEO writing,” is a good example of this search query.
  • Transactional intent. A searcher in this stage is sure of what they want and is ready to complete a purchase. e.g., “buy Fent beauty foundation.”
  • Commercial intent. Users need more comparative information on a product they are interested in. For example, “Fenty beauty vs. mac foundation prices.”

Use an optimal article structure.

With your content, it is important that Google gets it because they rely heavily on a featured snippet on SERPs to rank high in the search results. The featured snippet displays something related to the keyword in the snippet and how relevant the result is to the keyword.

You need to show that there is value in reading your content, so let’s talk for a second about content detection. The hallmark of a well-written article is, without a doubt, relevance.

This means that the topic you write about accurately and measurably relates to the keywords you optimize for. Online publishers may use something called content detection to help ensure that their articles include most keywords as intended. On the back of quality content, the rankings skyrocket in the

Trustworthiness, writing quality, and how well an outlet covers keywords are some of the many factors that Google considers when determining one company’s featured snippet placement above another. Those factors are in line with the following set of publishing methods.

Article structure & layout guidelines


H1 for your title, H2 for main headings, and H3 for subheadings. Use headings to break up your content into consumable pieces for your readers. Readers should be able to scan it quickly to find the information they’re looking for.

Google scans your headings before the rest of the content to decide what’s important on your page, so use them wisely. –


In general, you want to keep your paragraphs short. They should be little bites of information, easier to chew and swallow than long paragraphs with a ton of information or ideas.

Of course, not every piece of content was meant to have short paragraphs. You might use longer paragraphs if you’re going in-depth or explaining something complicated. In general, though, keep them bite-sized.

article structure guide to improve content writing skills

Write a compelling, descriptive, and optimized title and meta description.

Do you know what it takes to rank the landing page in the SERPs? All your SEO research doesn’t matter until you know what the content searchers are looking for. What words and phrases are your competitors using? What content is going to show in the top spots?

The first title you come up with will be very much stripped down. Some frameworks outline “best practices” for a title – i.e., “10 Simple Tips to Get Your First Article Published” – but that doesn’t mean that you need to write something simplistic. Try to optimize it so people can know what the piece’s content will actually be.

You could use the services of an article ghostwriter, app developer, or something similar. To improve content appearance on SERPs, focus on the following key strategies:

  • Title length: It will show your title from 50 to 60 characters.
  • Tag length: Your meta description should be limited to 155 characters or fewer. This is why Yoast makes it easy to figure out your meta description length with a tool like Portent.
  • Use a Content preview tool to better understand how your title and description look to visitors. Try this one from Portent or this one from SERPsim.

Conduct sufficient research on SERPs.

For SEO, it is prudent to perform some SERP research. That is especially so when preparing an article or looking to write a piece because there may be a lot of what people are doing online, and SERP research provides both insights about what other publishers are already doing and the inherent potential you may have.

Sharpen your keyword knowledge and usage skills.

To effectively produce content for SEO, keyword research is among the most important. However, the method for putting keywords in the content’s activity does not matter, but rather how it comes out for the purpose of SEO.

Google scans a webpage to determine if your content is something the search engine users are looking for based on plain text patterns, not keywords or meta-descriptions.

What you write might be shared on a social platform. Think about the context. People are adding more context to their shareable media (video and posts) and through links. A competitor sharing your story through the body text on a website, brochure, blog, or newsletter has a lot less context than a LinkedIn newsfeed

Keyword and topic research and usage basics

Research both topics and keywords. Taking your idea and researching both topics (what’s already out there, what’s missing, what related topics are) and keywords (a tool like Uber suggest) will help you focus most clearly. You should be laser-focused on only one topic idea.

A topic with a lot of input, though, makes for many great ideas across various articles. Keep a list of these in a diversion. – Analogue / Topic you want to write about. Most of the top content that ranks highly on Google is focused on one main idea.

  • Your title and page headings MUST include your keyword, but…
  • Do NOT overuse keywords. Too many keywords can hurt you. Your use of keywords should be natural and not like spammers originally inserted jargon in their marketing e-mails.

Update Your Content Regularly

Fresh content improves your site’s relevancy. You can achieve this relevancy by ensuring your content is updated on a schedule. Be sure to review it on a set schedule.

Know How to Find Keywords

When writing, you need to choose the right keywords. You must know popular keywords, where they rank, and how many competitors are listed there. After ranking, pick the best keywords for your content. An SEO copywriter must analyze the search volume and pick the most suitable keywords.

Link Wisely

You should use internal and external links to support the SEO content on Wikipedia. Internal links prevent users from getting irrelevant information. Broken links are dangerous and can lead to your site being disapproved or penalized.

If your page is framed and internal links are working, Google can see that your post is exceptional. You can also network and establish links with others in your industry and other external sources.

You are encouraged to include links that help your business mates to convert your visitors to leads for your product or service. For instance, you may want to include links to one of our product pages for our program reports.

keep writing to improve content writing skills

Write Long Content

Search engines have shot several algorithmic updates that reward longer, more informative content and penalize thin content. A good rule of thumb is if you’ve got more than 1,000 words of content, you need each web page to be at least 1,050 words long.

Longer content can be used for various purposes, such as lists, tables, bullet points, and interspersed text. When it comes to the content itself, try to provide more complex information and vary the methods used to dive through it. For people, this simpler information will be easier to absorb.

Leverage SEO Resources

Entertainment marketing is the logical step in addition to content marketing after the strategic analysis. I believe most content marketers should put some time into SEO copywriting at some point during their careers because the crossover is so clear.

I love to dig into articles that focus on the intersection of SEO and content. Too many times, content marketers try to do everything, which usually leads to an ineffective campaign.


Start by exploring common queries that confirm your desire to create content that helps users and does not annoy them. Since you’re a novice writer, at least for eLearning content, it’s a good idea to devise a call to action or a key phrase that will permit people to discover easy resources on your company website. We’ve got the expertise, content know-how, and a good conceptual sample of SEOs to help you choose and plan eLearning topics and turn them into content that actually answers users’ questions.